
The no-cellphone-while-driving traffic-citation-moving-violation thing is mostly about revenue, not safety.

Also, Bill Belichick has had his title of “Most Highly Regarded Yet Unequivocally Bland Coach” usurped in his own town by Brad Stevens, and I’m afraid Bill is going to have him killed

I’ve seen a few trucks halfway up that badboy. At least I assume that’s the one just before you hit the Dillon/Silverthorn exit?

Yeah! Eskimo brothers with Kevin Bacon!

Are they annoying to make? Not in the slightest. If you don’t have an army of shot glasses at your disposal, you can always make them in a popover tin.

1993 BoozyCat remembers this well.

Wait, are you talking about putting ketchup on a Chicago Dog? I’m not against it for some stupid, hurrdurr Chi-jingo reason, but, I mean...there’s already tomatoes on it....

Our dog would shit itself and hide with us.

Did you say...Sparkle Pony?

The 2nd graph isn’t wages. It’s income from wealth, so things like interest, dividends, capital gains. The article was written to incite conversation over unions, the author clearly hoped everyone would mis-interpret that graph specifically.

New caveat, we hike with our dog, which the forest service in Aspen last weeked helpfully alerted us is an absolute no-go with the moose. Are they more likely to pursue longer with our pooch in tow?

Moose are fast. I am slow.

Income from wealth? Doesn’t that mean advanced income from already existing net worth? So, dividends and capital gains and interest? So, money that has literally nothing to do with productivity or working or operational revenues at all?

So Deadspin got HamNo and The Concourse is now Gawker? Got it.

Are you going to do one of these on Moose? I got all the knowldege on bears and big cats growing up. But where I grew up didn’t have moose, but where I live/hike now has moose. And moose are fucking terrifying and aggressive.

Then Burkhardt chimed in: “Listen, the NFL and the Chargers are putting in $650 million, and you’re saying ‘Okay, well where’s the rest coming from?’ It’s not coming from taxpayers. It’s all coming from a hotel tax that essentially equates to this: If you’re a tourist, or a visitor, hotel room for $300 bucks, you’re

If I follow your issue correctly, usually this is due to excess fabric where the sleeve meets the yoke, and sort of forms a peak. A tailor should be able to nip out that little bit of fabric. 

I’m buying a hard copy this year because my buddy is the play-by-play voice. I’ll probably play it once, because Madden is a shit game.

Oh, cock!

I also made this switch, I have no idea why.