
Hey, man, some of us work in hospitality.

If your drunk self is any good at taking care of your sober self you’ll take an alka-seltzer before bed.

I’m not sure Magary would be able to get away from his other olympic level talents of picking his boogers and farting.


I’ve always assumed ginger ale is because its one of those things you like once in a great, great while. So buying a fucking six-pack makes no damn sense.

Fair enough, good follow up.

Do you really get validation by being contrarian? Someone told you what your non-sense hipster opinion should be so you defend it by being a cock to strangers on the internet?

Its not garbage. It’s just not worth it, but it’s not garbage.

I used DSC for a while until I realized I just don’t change my blades often enough. I noticed it when I had 3 unopened shipments of blades in my medicine cabinet. Ultimately my inability to change my habit made this not worth it.I did very much enjoy Dr. Carvers shave butter, but I would certainly not agree that it

Why do you hate rowing? Rowing is both beautiful and exciting to watch.

Or listen to this...

As an average schulb, I very much think I could be a goalie in this sport. They also look like average schlubs. Also it appears the official goalie uniform is sweatpants.

I’m at the point with Excel that I officially get frustrated when I find something out that I didn’t know before. This forecast function might be a game changer coming up on budget season.

I’m with that other guy, Index-Match is more intuitive to the way I think. V/H Lookup always feels like an excel answer to an excel problem.

Exactly which is why the mid-engine ‘Vette should be called the Corvette Zora.

E=MC fucked.

This is every Nextdoor conversation ever.

I think we’re underestimating how hard it is to catch a pop fly on the run while heading towards the wall with a fat fucking idiot in the way. Votto had to tip toe and sort of jump to try and get that guy doing his best Cubs fan impression out of the way.

Agreed, pay the mortgage off or in advance. Load up on doomsday buckets of food and lounge out the year. Let the money earn some sweet interest and dividend in the mean time.

Fun fact to help you through the sad dog commercials. The ASPCA takes shelter dogs and puts them in those sad looking surroundings. They do this after the dog has surgery and is just waking up from anesthesia to get maximum sad puppy dog look.