
I feel like it’s almost a Family Guy chicken scenario.

Fucking nailed it.

Your sports talk radio show is Buttercup and The Swine on 590, The Sports Affliction.

Oh man, those tweets sure do sound angry...whew, boy, they are mad...

It’s an extremely specific custom made ring. I only plan on doing this once. So for Ms. Boozy it’s priceless.

Sit down with your beloved and really talk this out.

Are Dunkaroos still a thing? I ate the fuck out of dunkaroos.


I had a guy the other day who just butted in front of about 5 others in the express line. When he went to step in front of me I just said, “Nah” and started to set my stuff down. This fucker had forgotten his wallet and went out to get it, totally understand, been there done that. But instead of mentioning that to the

He better or he’ll end up working as a checkout girl in the market.

Anything string-like can cause the same issues. We have to be constantly vigilant about elastic hair ties around our house. Mrs. Boozy is a vet and has way too many stories about the things shes found causing obstructions in peoples pets stomachs/intestines. The accordioning of the intestines is highly fatal, since

Fucking lillies. I hope people commit this little factiod to their deep brains. We had a housewarming party a couple days ago and received a dozen bouquets of flowers which our now dying and littering our house (how about some originality people?) 2/3 of the arrangements had lillies in them. So we had to re-gift the

Looking forward to the first one-on-one goalie v. goalie matchup. Watching de Gea try to dribble the length of the pitch should be entertaining.

I’m curious how many of these people actually OWN their JD equipment, this stuff is expensive as fuck. I have to think the vast majority of this equipment is leased?

I get the feeling there might be some hidden provision in the GQ employment agreement that makes cargo shorts a terminable offense. Drew might need to watch his back.

We played “Cruiser Bruiser” when my little brother was younger. Also, good on your for using the correct parlance of Punch Bug.

Probably more than happy to have commandeered St. Patricks day, no?

Uh, you can put me squarely in the camp that does not want this, at all. Who want’s this? Was there really a group clamoring for their drinking to be screwed up by having to think about calories and shit? FFS, I’d much rather be blissfully ignorant in my drinking.

Which is why the Bronco’s are expecting to get out of paying that 3rd year money, since I’m sure there is an injury provision in there that will relieve them of paying him when he spends year three in traction.

Nah, Todd Rokita is going to get it just on name recognition and that (R) alone.