The glove box bit is comedy. You know, because it is cross promotion for a movie.
The glove box bit is comedy. You know, because it is cross promotion for a movie.
I don't like Dodges, I personally think they are POS for their reliability, build quality, etc. But these commercials are hilarious. I always liked Will Ferrell's Ron Burgundy persona.
Not gonna lie, this is pretty brilliant marketing. And only showing the aggressive front end is another good move by the marketing folks.
I love lamp
you take that back to whore island where you came from!
This whole episode was hilarious. Loved it.
I have to say the highlight for me was Kate Mckinnon on weekend update giving her GTA review.
Jennifer's Body is great movie... I said it.
God, Taylor was such a great character. Never have I gone from hating to loving someone so quickly.
Call me crazy, but this just sounds like a modern Cryano de Bergerac, but with Facebook as Cyrano? Transforming yourself into the perfect lover through the knowledge/experience of a third party is a classic romantic comedy plot. This seems sort of clever and honest about how people do meet these days. I mean the movie…
Although my dad has definitely become more susceptible to "girly" things over the years thanks to me, my mom, and my sister, it still cracks me up that he watches The Time Traveler's Wife whenever it's on TV. And it's on Lifetime a lot. He says that not girly because 1) science fiction and 2) Eric Bana.
There's just something about Dads who can pass down the gift of time travel, man. Gets me every time.
This one reminds me very much of Time Traveler's Wife, right down to starring Rachel McAdams. I'll still watch it.
Exactly. All of those things. And who hasn't wished that they could go back in time and change certain moments?
Peter Dinklage shows up as an effeminate barista with an unpronounceable name and a poet’s mustache.
I'll see it. Of course I will. I'm a sucker for this stuff.
"Peter Dinklage shows up as an effeminate barista with an unpronounceable name and a poet’s mustache."
1. Mario's dad is weirdly hot.
I'm going to click on the hash-tag #greatful and then judge all of them.