
I haven’t seen it yet but I agreed with every other point made, so I’m assuming that I’ll love this movie. Ghost protocol was so good and everything looks at me like I don’t know what I’m talking about. That movie! I love the comparison to Fury Road. Hearing that this is the foil to Fury Road made me look forward to

I know this wasn’t really your point but I just want to say Rihanna totally stuck to the theme! Pro Riri, pro choice in this corner.

This is some faux rage click bait, though. Like the argument against this song does not hold up, and all that—which others have already pointed out more eloquently than me. But also—this seems like trolling itself! It's so false and such a stretch and precisely what haters hate about Jezebel.

This is such a great response and left me thinking for a while after as well. And of course you are not a horrible person. I quite admire the gracefulness of this response. Sorry I said you were horrible, and thank you instead for being nice. I dont know why internet default is soooo snark filled, but it is. I don't

lol, no it's just that after I read the rest of your comments you sort of sounded like the kind of person who turns up their nose at random things for no reason. Just likes to hate things and tell other people they shouldn't like them. You don't seem horrible because you don't like a book I like, but because you

put that terror aside! Lives up to it like a champ. Really knocks it out of the park.

oh shit, ignore my earlier comment! Clearly you are a super smart intellectual and we don't want to subject you to anything below your exceptional standards. So sorry! I honestly didn't realize you were a fairly horrible person.

I encourage you to try it—at least the book. It rang very true to me, as a cancer survivor, as a former teen, as a cynic. It goes out of it's way to be realistic about how people act.

This, that Lena Dunham shit, and all the generally terrible writing make me vow to stop coming here. I hate it but can't quit. For fucks sake.

Ah, I'm in the middle of Howard Zinn's A People's History right now, and I've already started recommending it. It's a crying those links aren't cleaner, but thank you for sending them. I've bookmarked them for frequent reference. Thank you for sharing and I'll stfu now;)

Okay yes, it's totally appropriate to expect friends and allies to listen to you express frustration or share experiences without them turning it into something about themselves. And anyone who calls out "reverse racism" is flashing a giant neon sign that's says "I'm an asshole" so you aren't wrong. But, anytime

I think this is a false parallel, or it rings false to me at least, because I don't think all men are misogynists and I like when dudes wear shirts that say "this is what a feminist looks like" and I would like to hear examples of men being decent. I would also like that they care about women's issues enough to read

What can a white person who is disgusted and ashamed of horrible people like the above do? I publicly call out racist behavior and read as much as I can about other perspectives to gain awareness and to try to educate myself out of privilege blind spots. I'm not saying I deserve a medal or a pat on the back for what

What can a white person who is disgusted and ashamed of horrible people like the above do? I publicly call out racist behavior and read as much as I can about other perspectives to gain awareness and to try to educate myself out of privilege blind spots. I'm not saying I deserve a medal or a pat on the back for what

I spent about a year in China and my sister-in-law is a citizen. She referred to her cousins and friends as sisters and brothers, and it was tough explaining the concept of cousins to my young students. Even after a few weeks, they still said their cousin was a brother. I did have some students who had "true"

My husband used to be Mormon and he waited until he was really emotionally stable before drinking(6 years after leaving the church) and the first time he drank he had his closest friends to support him. We made it into kind of an event. He started with Malibu rum though, and he still doesn't drink wine. I think wine

My husband is also a former Mormon turned atheist, though he waited six years before drinking. His family, especially his sister, are still devout (like prominent SLC Mormons). But it was a major crisis of faith for him. It's interesting to hear how feminist he's grown to be.

This is perfect, and I'm very pleased we won't be giving them any site traffic. But can we now do this with EliteDaily? It's not nearly as bad, but so many women circulate the articles as if it's gospel. It's so infuriating and insidious with its "here are the women you should marry" and "here is what chivalry is."

I'm a Hawaii resident and the homeless problem is overwhelming. There are many unofficial shelters and "secret" refuges, but there are still homeless who are too violent and unstable to stay in these places. Part of the problem—and the motivation for the one way tickets—is that some of our homeless population just

Oh what, no @chrissyteigen? Her Instagram is filled with hilarity and naked John Legend, get on this immediately! Plus her dogs!