
Sia (ft. The Weeknd & Diplo) - “Elastic Heart”

"Once you go octopus you'll totally rock the puss (y)!"

Sounds like a smart plan. You know the old saying after all, "Once you go octopus you never...go...uh

In the last few years, the only tv shows I've watched were Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, and Archer, and now two of those are ending.

Tom Hardy actually — and I am not exaggerating — prevented me from following the plot of the movie. Like, Inception requires a degree of commitment from the viewer, and I could only commit to Tom Hardy.

I love that movie for its plot, I really do. But lbr, I've only seen it so many times because everyone is so damn attractive. Him, Ken, Marion, Leo, Cillian. . .

danny glover.

"This is really confusing because everyone I have ever dated is in that movie."

That movie is just chock full of handsomeness...

He is so fucking cute it isn't even funny.

If it's not me we are going to have a very serious talk later tonight.

Who? Does she have black panties?

Just stopping by to tell Tina how much I love her. She sees these comments, right?

Did Tina stop eating night cheese? She looks amazing! I mean, she's always been gorgeous, but yowza.

If (in real life) you are a truly sexy nurse, and you are not dressing up as a plain and repressed office worker for Halloween, then you are totally blowing it.

I think you are right on; it may very well be a regional thing.....i'm east coast/ New York City. VS is regarded as sort of the IKEA of lingerie. Not quite Walmart, but maybe like Target.... (PS the OP was VERY snarky and rude about it. I did not mean to communicate ANY snark, and I hope and pray that it didn't

If I were being paid a ton of money while being worshipped by millions, I would look pretty happy too— despite their strict regimens.

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This scene and the one later on, when they inform her that they know she's pregnant, are the only redeeming qualities in this film. They are redeeming because they prominently feature Kristen Wiig and Alan Tudyk talking more and Katherine Heigl talking less.

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I don't know why they don't just own it and say "Yes. It's about being thin with huge boobs. That's the image we like, and it's what we think looks best." They're not fooling anyone with this "It's just about looking your best and being confident!" doublespeak. They aren't going to let me be a VS model no matter