Jonathan Karate

True story: When I first heard GW's "OBGYN's want to practice their love with women across the country" line, I actually thought he was just making a really bad joke. Then someone told me he was being serious and I became very sad for him, because… god, the stupids.

Also, "There is nothing more sad than the unnecessary, destructive and enormous
toll that overuse, misuse and abuse of alcohol and drugs play in
people’s lives…"

"It's not rape unless you're kidnapped from a parking lot."

She's not a 'confused kid'. She is a legal adult who williingly chose to victim blame so that a judge would be lenient with her friend, the convicted rapist. That's a very adult decision, and it carries weight. If she was just simply making a public statement in support of her friend, then I would be on board with all

She contributed to a 6 month sentence for a convicted rapist. It causes additional pain and suffering to the victim of an actual sexual assault. She's not even sorry about it. What are you not getting? We reap what we sow. And I really don't see how maybe being questioned later in life about a horrible thing she

She didn't just 'say stupid things'. She wrote a letter which directly contributed to an outrageously light sentence (barely a punishment at all) for a convicted rapist, which has caused even more pain and suffering for his victim. What she did was serious and carries a lot of weight. She deserves every bit of

Watch out! The transgenders are coming for your children!

Christoper Keller - Oz

"I Want To Belieb"

She should be offered more than Duchovny based on The Fall alone.

Well, I'm distantly related to the Big Mac so SCREW YOU, SIR.

Bill O'Reilly, is that you?

I think if we're being real, a lot more guys want to soul kiss other guys in showers than you think.

Nothing could confuse my thirst for Tom Hardy. Maybe he was "tricked" into being a Nazi?

WHOA. I watched Atonement when it first came out in 2007 (before I had any idea who Cumberbatch was) and I am just now making that connection. I'm so sad now.

I hear you. I suppose that what I mean is, for free peoples living in free societies, religion of any kind is a choice. Sexuality, gender identity, etc…are not.

Most of my family is (or once was) devoutly religious. I was raised in the catholic church. A lot of people that I love are followers of Jesus. I STILL think people are taking this too seriously and need to have a sense of humor about it. No one is attacking your wife.

Racists and women haters are generally considered terrible people (and rightfully so). People who don't like or care about Jesus are just people. Atheists, non-believers, whatever. I'm not even saying that I'm not pro-Jesus, I just think the uproar is a bit much.

I know this is super nit-picky, but I have always HATED the comparison between prejudice against Christians/prejudice against LGBT folks. You are born LGBT, Christianity is a choice. Many, many christians (and all religious types, really) do a lot of horrible things to LGBT folks in the name of christianity. I really

I'm really not understanding the uproar. It's just a funny headline.