Jonathan Karate

And sometimes he played golf!

I'm not arguing against closed primaries - I understand why you should have to be a member of the party to vote in it's primary. I'm saying that it doesn't make any sense to say that simply because he lost the primary - he couldn't have won the general election. It's comparing apples and oranges. In half the states in

Yeah, I'm not arguing that Hillary won the primary fair and square - I'm saying the general election is a whole different animal because anyone can vote - not just those registered with the party.

Only 21 states have an open presidential primary. Independents in over half the country can't even participate in the primary voting process.

Sherrod Brown will only be 68!

Because half of the voters stayed home.

The young voters turned out for Bernie, didn't they?

Volcano Choir is amazing, but what about Gayngs?!?! Relayted is an incredible album.

Beth/Rest is still probably the greatest song I've ever heard. That album was just wonderful.

Five years went soooooo slow. I genuinely can't wait for this.

I'm a non-dad (female to be specific) and I'm so excited I could cry.

I've yet to meet a person who isn't at least somewhat sexually interested in Timothy Olyphant. My heterosexual husband included.

This. Thank you. Reading this article I kept waiting (with excitement) for mention of a queer male character (one who isn't constantly emasculated/used as comic relief and who's sex life is visible and celebrated), but no. Will this never exist on network television????

And more handsome!

"funny, lovely sex messages" is probably the least sexy way in the world to describe sexting.

Just ask the sister-wives.

Exactly. I think wanting or being tempted to cheat at some point in a long term relationship is pretty universal (we're animals after all). Monogamy is sometimes difficult, but that's why we do it. You make a choice to go against your baser instincts and remain faithful. You commit. That's the whole point. It's not

Who the hell is Matt Damon?!

I feel no shame at all in my love for Like Crazy. That movie hit me right in the feels.

A Wump/Trinfrey ticket would confuse everyone.