Jonathan Karate

Franklin Pierce.

The episode with the kid who freezes to death inside the log. Fucked me up, man.

The episode of Dinosaurs where Robbie turns into a werewolf gave me nightmares for weeks as a kid.

Holy shit. I had completely forgotten about this, but reading the words ZEKE THE PLUMBER sent a legit shiver down my spine.

Also, the black and white cartoon 'The Snow Man' from 1932. Disturbing shit.

They're quick and slick! They're insincere!

Every scene from Ferngully involving Hexxus. I'm sure partly because of TIm Curry's voice, which will always remind me of another thing that terrified me, Darkness from Legend.

I'm not insulting you, I'm joking with you because you seem overly sensitive about your dislike for this movie. Which I don't get becauseā€¦.it's a movie. A lot of people liked it, a lot of people didn't. Oh well.

These same type of nit-picky things can be said about nearly every movie (horror or otherwise) that's ever been made. You seem like the kind of person who likes to take the fun out of everything.

Where are you getting that there wasn't a monster at all? I thought it was left ambiguous on purpose. That's what makes it horror.

I'm just gonna sit over here and pretend you didn't just insult Keanu.

God, I loved Ex Machina. That movie stayed with me for days.

I think the assumption that his supporters are mostly young white men is unfair. I'm a woman, and most of the most passionate Bernie supporters I know are also women.

I literally just saw something posted to facebook with a TIME article declaring Hillary the winner of the debate next to a screencap from with a poll showing that 74% of TIME readers thought Bernie won the debate.

Liberal Spinmasters

Tell that to Eminemā€¦

A tree stump>Carson

You will arrive at the gates of Valhalla, shiny and chrome.

Tell me how you really feel about him.

He probably should've just taken the money and run. Like, on a big 'ol jet airliner or something.