Jonathan Karate

Oh I'm not arguing that pop music can be great. There is a lot of pop music that I love, I just don't like anything Bruno Mars has done. Even Uptown Funk.

I have cried twice in my life. Once when I was seven and I was hit by a
school bus. And then again when I heard that Li'l Sebastian had passed.

I really have to disagree on Nirvana. Everything Cobain is involved in just sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me. And then I listen to something like AIC's "Bleed the Freak" or Soundgarden's "Hands All Over", and I'm like, why wasn't this the shit everyone was obsessed with?

Jim Morrison worship bores me.

Yeah, but that's season 4 Arrested Development, easily the weakest season. What about seasons 1-3???

Weird and sad. And not in a good way. That is exactly what Radiohead does to me.


Whaaaaaaaaaa?!?! I don't even know how to respond to that kind of madness.

There are people who dislike Amy Poehler? Is it like, Taliban or something?

Also: boring

Most of their stuff is blah to me, but "Instant Crush" with Julian Casablancas makes me weak in the knees.

What is it they say about haters? Oh, right…. they're going to hate.

Agreed. I was recently discussing my love for Grizzly Bear with a friend and they told me that GB is nowhere near as good as Belle and Sebastian, the "gods of indie". My only thought was….gross, please get away from me.

My husband and I got together to watch "Reservoir Dogs" for our first "date". It was the perfect movie for that situation because it's boring as shit and therefore didn't distract us from getting to know each other.

I like grunge, though. Particularly Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. It frustrates me that the 'gods of grunge' are always seen as Nirvana and Pearl Jam, two bands that I have no use for. But at least with Pearl Jam, I don't absolutely loathe the lead singer. I want to like Pearl Jam just because Vedder is so great,

Is Uptown Funk great? Or is it just catchy?

No, he's just awful. The lyrics to "Grenade" make me want to throw myself out a window. I find myself seriously questioning the intelligence level of my friends who are into him.

I really like Springsteen, the guy, but his music does absolutely nothing for me.

Steve Miller's greatest hits 1974-1978 might be my most listened to album ever.

Prince will never die.