Jonathan Karate

Thank you. The Beatles bore me to death.

Nightswimming is one of those songs that makes me cry whenever I hear it. No particular reason at all. It's bizarre.

Every person I know who likes Buffy is over the age of 15. In fact, now that I think of it, they're all over 25.

DON'T LIKE BUFFY?!?!?! *head explodes*

Gaaahhh! My husband would high five you for that. I have a deep love for Clapton, but I'm not sure if it's actual interest in his music, or just a strong sentimental association because my father was such a diehard Clapton fan.

How fortunate you are.

Who run the world?

It took me until full adulthood to enjoy The Godfather. Up until I was 25 or so, I just found it boring.

Yikes. That's the worst. I mean, whether or not you like their music, my understanding is that they are all pretty decent dudes in general, and Yauch had just lost a long battle with cancer. People are awful sometimes.

Holy shit, we got an adult in the house.

I feel that way about Lynyrd Skynyrd. Most people who are into them, I hate. Also, really with all the Y's?

Awwww….. :-(

Oh…. that one makes me sad. I didn't know there were people who didn't like the Beastie Boys.

I have no interest in anything Radiohead does, but I quite like Thom Yorke's solo stuff. Is that weird?

Nirvana. I just…..I… I hate Cobain's stupid whiney garbage music. It might be the most unpopular music opinion I have.

I was super skeptical about Trevor Noah (still am a little bit), but I laughed out loud at Sup girl? You up? Because eggplant, winkey face, cartoon Pope likes cheesesteaks.

What sort of hellish wasteland were you road tripping through?

mayonnaise sandwich

What they mean is "I'm really looking forward to seeing Jeremy Irvine kiss Jonathan Rhys Meyers" because they are awful.
