Jonathan Karate

The real problem with the trailer, for me, is how blatantly the whole thing is shot on a sound stage, which makes it look exactly like Rent. It undermines the seriousness of the subject matter.

I also read somewhere that all the actors (main characters, at least) in the film are straight, which, if it's true, is just another reason Roland Emmerich should go fuck right off.

He's not our friend, he's Ben Affleck's friend. Not really a villain, mostly just a douche.

Aww. Too real.

The angrier the better.

[He sues all of them for 10 million dollars. Even the stripper.]

Ugh. I never realized this either. It makes me like the band less.

Really, with the torture porn still?

Deliver some Shock and Awe….to your anus.

"Morrissey is mad at someone and refuses to play somewhere" could be the headline of every article I ever see about Morrissey.

Trump has a great relationship with the blacks. The blacks love him.

I have never heard a liberal (or anyone) speak as negatively (or as often) about 'consultants' as conservatives do about community organizers.

The constant Reagan obsession is really starting to get to me. They are reaching 'Dear Leader' levels with this shit now. It's creepy.

Also a Harvard educated lawyer, but they leave that part out. You know, relevance.

They have experience being Christians and not MUSLIMS LIKE OBAMA.

Ben Carson has about as much energy as a cat…while it is sleeping.

I remember people making this argument in 2008. McCain had military experience and Obama didn't so he was more qualified for the presidency. I'm glad that the majority of Americans disagreed.

I'm probably opening myself up to ridicule with this but…. The only one of them that doesn't make me want to crawl into a hole and die is Rand Paul, simply for his ability to be rational and not bat-shit insane. He's currently polling somewhere around 10th or 11th, so that's Repulican voters for you, I guess.

These damn kids with their skateboards and vaping. Why can't they do cocaine like adults?

Know them roughly, know them gently. Whatever you're into. Just know them.