Jonathan Karate

And they will NOT enjoy it! Not even a little!

Aleister Crowley attempting to climb K2 in 1902 is just….. so metal.

Read both Into Thin Air and Anatoli Boukreev's The Climb in college, and they both really messed with me. I find the idea of mountains like Everest and K2 just deeply, deeply terrifying. This movie will probably give me panic attacks.

Fox was unaware that there was a difference.

Yes. Pretty much constantly.

Because people disagree on what is best for the country…therefore, political parties. Didn't we all learn this in like…..fifth grade?

So… if you criticize Republicans, you hate America and we should throw you in a camp. If you criticize both parties, we support you.

……..thrown in camps? Let's take it down a notch.

Unfortunately, I think the people trying to manipulate our feelings to meet their own sick ends (like Dick Cheney) kind of bank on this sentiment. It tends to keep people quiet for fear of being 'disrespectful'.

Too soon?

The only thing in the article that offends me (more truthfully, grosses me out) was the cheer. So emotionally manipulative, so awful.

All those people you named at the end were real people, therefore it makes no sense to change their ethnicity. James Bond is a fictional character. Do you see now why your argument is stupid?

Well I'm a heterosexual white woman, so I don't think it's fair for me to speak for gay men. Also -

"Friends are my people, Corporations."

Check out #bobbyjindalissowhite on twitter. 'Go minorities!' is something that Jindal has surely never said.

Bobby Jindal, is that you?

I like to imagine that Jeb says that into the mirror every morning.

I want my President to box Evander Holyfield! Oh wait…

My favorite quote - from Biden to Colbert:

I think anyone who doesn't 'like' Joe Biden is simply letting their political leanings alone determine who is good/bad, and that is annoying. Agree with him or not, Biden is an incredibly likeable guy.