Jonathan Karate

That will always be my favorite Aqua Teen episode.

Right, but that's not really the point I was making. Any of those correspondents, who are consistently funny, would've been a better choice for host than Noah who, as far as I can tell, is never funny.

Not to be a debbie downer, but I am just really dreading this. The few segments that Trevor Noah did on the Daily Show just weren't funny at all. They didn't even make me smile. When I think about the three other correspondents (Williams, Klepper, Minhaj), each of whom have made me laugh out loud on multiple


If it's possible, I like Jon Oliver's show even more than I loved the Daily Show or Colbert Report. I can't imagine why anyone would want to distance themselves from that model to focus on…..aggregators?…..and listicles? That sounds horrifying to me.

That's the worst thing I've ever heard.

Top ten lists that only list lovers will understand. You won't BELIEVE #6


Oz was the best thing he ever did. That show is a masterpiece.

Every single line uttered by Jeff, who also goes by Jeff, was hilarious to me.

Just another laugh-out-loud moment from WHAS.


What do you eat for dinner up in the clouds, Katie? Filet Ming-ong? You know what we have for dinner at my house? Nothing! Sometimes chicken.

Strangely, I enjoyed it. I knew too many bullies like that kid when I was young and they grow into adult bullies/awful people. Plus, every single thing Bill said to him was correct.

Don't know why I didn't see it coming, but that post made cackle out loud.

In such a silly episode, Ben, Mckinley and the zoot suit song is all so genuinely sweet, it almost feels out of place. I loved it anyway.

"You do not want to be, uh… what is this? Uh, Freddy Fuddy-Duddy."

The streeeeets! It's where you make it or break it!

I also liked "I'm gonna kill you and fuck you!" Because… what?