Jonathan Karate

The Jonas/Victor plot is definitely my fave of the series, but the rest of this episode is super solid as well. I'm surprised at the B+.

The look on Meloni's face each time he opens the bathroom door is hilarious. It's burned into my brain

"Coop, do you know what the strongest shape is?"
"Stop sign shape."

Victor! Do you think he knew it was you, Victor?

"Why don't you go fuck a soup?"
"How about I cook you, LIKE a soup?!"

Also his response to Gary later on-
"Not now, Gary. I gotta kill your friend Victor."

My absolute favorite episode of the series. The scene in the cabin where Jonas is looking for Victor is just….gold.

I just need to mention Ed Helms' joke about the club for men who get more handsome and distinguished as they get older because….he is just handsome as all get-out these days.

I also just watched it a couple days ago, and I had no idea that this was basically his first acting gig after leaving school. That makes his involvement in both the movie and show even sweeter for me.

I've gone back and only watched episodes which featured him most heavily. I can't get enough of that wig. And no matter how ridiculous he looks, he is just sexy as all fuck.

One breast is badly listing


This line came out of nowhere for me. I laughed so hard I choked.

John McCain is surprisingly likeable when he's not running for President. Or unleashing Sarah Palin on the world.

You tell 'em!

"Actual Crossfire with Tucker Carlson"

You wouldn't hate your own flesh and blood if they were gay? WHAT A HUMANITARIAN!

If only the Kasichs, Huntsmans and Pawlentys made up the Republican field….what a world.

Same. Jon Stewart took over TDS when I was 10 years old and made me the politically minded adult I am now. I feel an incredible sadness today.

In the sense that it was completely hilarious and I could have watched it play out for much longer, I agree.