Jonathan Karate

I'm totally bummed that school's happening again this year.

Sailing mishap!

Life as a House! How is it even possible to dislike something involving Kevin Kline?

Or else he just has very awkward balls.

I'm voting for Bernie in every election from now until his death.

President Obama is dropping N-bombs with Marc Maron, I'm agreeing with Mitt Romney on social issues…'s a weird time.

That makes me super sad. I remember that night so vividly! Though I don't always agree with him and he hasn't always made the right decisions, I still love our President. When I hear people disparage him (not disagree with his policies, but just outright insult him) it always makes me a little nauseous.

My father-in-law called the very small city I live in "downtown n***er-ville". That's an actual thing he once said. Out loud. We don't have a great relationship.

Or desperately searching for stats about "black on black" crime for whatever reason they always do that.

"We can't be sure that a gun caused this, but we need more guns."

And fluorescent lighting is like being shot from above all day, so….

What a…….mixed bag.

Aww. I loved Big Fish and What Dreams May Come. How could you put those next to the absolute nightmare that was White Chicks?

It's pronounced 'whacko'.

Prison(s) Break(s)

Well, thank goodness Drake Bell has you here to defend him. And it wasn't a 'hideous crime', it was just a gross and douche-y thing to say.

I know at least 30 Debbies. All middle aged.

They also have refrigerators AND microwaves. The nerve…

The elderly…

Alex Trebek has not aged in my entire life. He will host Jeopardy until long after we're all dead.