Jonathan Karate

Let me just vomit all over myself real quick.

She REALLY does. That's trippy.

I truly thought it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. The fact that it didn't completely crush the box office astounds me. But I'll be going back to see it for a third time this weekend, so I'm doing what I can to help.

Definitely saw Mad Max twice in the past week. Seeing it a third time has not been ruled out.

I really loved both Murder House and Asylum, then things just got awful.

He also spends his time overacting on Nashville lately, so he's in a good place right now.

Or rather, doing community service at elementary schools. There's your horror movie.

And they all just finally get killed!

She really just likes pooping regularly. I don't blame her.

This week, I'm barely putting up with Emma Roberts continued existence.

Redundant review is redundant.

You know what has always given me the mega creepers? Her wig. Or more accurately, the fact that anyone in the world thinks that it passes for real hair.

Whatever it is… Team Archie. Forever.

Either Anthony Stewart Head or Anthony Kiedis. Both would be amazing.

Caribou gone.

Seriously? I loved Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld. Hated the most recent one. It's exactly like every other game out there now. Tomb Raider used to be unique, now it just borders on torture porn.

Parks And Rec is a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk ox. Thank you, ox, for keeping this ship afloat.

Rosamund Pike was electrifying in Gone Girl, and I love a good upset.

You forgot North West Kardashian

Joseph Pulitzer should be played by Robert Duvall, as a call back to his stunning turn in the groundbreaking film, Newsies.