Jonathan Karate

We need the galaxy to guard JK Simmons now more than ever.

My Girl: Resurrection - where Macaulay Culkin's character is reanimated and hijinks ensue.

Justin Vernon. The only man I would leave my husband for.

I would sooner watch that Roast than I would anything that involves Kevin Hart.

And Justin Bieber, too!


His singing is embarassing. Like the new song he did with Paul McCartney and Rihanna…I thought for a moment that I was listening to a parody. How is this man successful in any way?

He would present the awards, accept the awards, and interrupt himself to talk about Beyonce.

I wish I could Bon Iver the fuck out of everything in the world.

I watched season 2 of The Fall on Netflix recently, and all I could think the whole time was how embarrassed I am for Jamie Dornan. He truly is a wonderful actor and these films are going to be so silly and awful. I feel like he didn't think this through…

This made me choke on my coffee. Bravo, sir.

Didn't anybody enjoy Buried?? I did.

I like Blade Trinity and his part in it and I am not at all ashamed by that (I am a little).

Opinions work like assholes, and everybody's got an asshole. Is that the saying?

Not to be shallow, but…

Well, you can't select a specific track and then keep repeating it over and over (which a lot of people might not do, but it's nice to be able to). There's no fee with SoundCloud, and once I add songs to my 'likes' or playlists, I can play them any number of times in any order. I find it quite freeing :)


In that you're not at the mercy of the application to decide exactly which track you listen to or how many times in a row you can listen to it. You don't have to 'shuffle play', you can just play. And there's no ads. I just like it much better.

Where they belong.

People are still listening to Pandora and Spotify? Even though SoundCloud is far superior?