
No, the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. The punishment fits because it’s fitting both this crime and all the other incredibly dangerous similar crimes he’s gone out of his way to commit on the field over the past decade. You get one DUI, you get a year in jail. If it’s your sixth one, the judge isn’t going to be

Instead of people complaining about these same old tired jokes ( I get them in my job too) maybe we should all appreciate the fact that not everyone looks at us as worker drones and some people actually take the time to try and interact with us instead of treating us like a drone.

Well, he’s not Poor Rodriguez.

What, are you new to the internet or what?

Technicality. True Gen Xers weren’t having babies in 1992.

Sounds like you’re calling the Track writers around here a bunch of “fastest non-automatic qualifiers.”

So, again, I’ll just throw this out there, if you guys need someone who actually knows anything about track to write articles for you about track, I’m available, and will do it for free just so I don’t have to read things like this anymore.

You should turn on the television and look at what the Trump administration is doing.

I have, most of my undergrad studies were in Latin American History. So, I know quite a bit about the subject — probably even more than most people.

Can you tell us what he got the red card for?

don’t bubble-gut me, sir

You gotta love Splinter for calling a focus on the Ukraine thing condescending and then immediately posting an explainer on the Ukraine thing.

This only reinforces your point, but it’s a thirty-five year-old commercial slogan.

This helps

Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't

Andrew, I do not know you but I believe I received this email accidentally. Please unsubscribe me. 

“Stop hitting ‘reply-all’.”

The actual Tomsula Index is a list of businesses that will let you use their bathroom without having to buy anything. 

“so, my email address is hashtag I don’t care, okay.