
A Few Good Men?

Jesus Christ is there anything that the dipshit writers on this site actually approve of?  The Newsroom was....fine.  It wasn’t fantastic by any stretch but it wasn’t the Real Housewives either.  It was a serious show about serious adult stuff, which is better than 90% of television out there.  

Is it? I’d rather play for the Jets than have to watch the Jets. 

Man, we’ve really got to figure out a way to give Tom Brady’s kids mono. 

Y'know, I thought I had mono once for an entire year. Turns out I was just really bored.

Which would you really rather have when you grow up?

Steelers fans like him again now

You stare for exactly 3.5 seconds, and slowly walk away.

Dude, relax, this was a bail hearing, not trial.  Defense attorneys are allowed to make an argument for why bail should be lowered.  No one is letting him off, the judge is just saying he doesn’t need to sit in prison while he awaits trial.

I wish we could punish fans like these, but they are already Browns fans.

True enough about stripping the weight off but maybe the failure means you should leave the next set for another day?

There are other more accurate terms you can use. Like demented, deranged or senile. The best ‘r’ word to direct at Trump of course, is racist.

But what if I call ONLY Obama the n-word?”

Here are all the countries that begin and end with the letter “A”: Australia, Austria, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, and Armenia

fucking embarrasing post. 

Twenty years ago, my coach said all he saw out there were little girls, but anecdotes aren’t data.

How do you reconcile the fact that the state you’re so gung-ho to protect are fucking war criminals? 

He should have gone with honky

I disagree with your assessment. Fenway is only 310 down the line and Rosario is a good 5-10 feet in front of the warning track so he might be less than 300 feet from home plate.  That would not be a sac fly to the warning track in almost any stadium.

Disagree. No one talked about the fingering of buttholes in this clip.