
I think you really hit the nail on the head there. Holding women to different standards means their failure is attributed to their sex, while a man's failure is attributed only to himself and doesn't reflect on every other service member who happens to share the same genitals.

"You need to be a Marine first before you talk to me about the Corps, sweetums."

China called. They want their wall back.

Oh hell naw you DIDN'T just call this man's 'Murrica Communist! If you don't like it you'cn just giiiiiiitoouutt!

Is IOC the same as The Basic School?

They definitely are (the death throes of that type of thinking). There are still a few obstacles left to overcome, but I feel like we're moving inexorably toward a military that doesn't give any consideration to the type of hardware in a Soldier's pants, outside of barracks and latrines in garrison.

That's a wonderful story, and that your husband works in an MOS where females also perform, to the same standard no less, should be seen by senior decision makers as evidence that women can and will meet the same standard as men if you hold them to it the same.

K's are Communist.

Nothing beats anything about Shelties. Nothing.

Yeah, srsly. Enlightenment only comes from having ovaries. And getting stopped at TSA checkpoints.

There are a number of "must arrest" statutes around the country, but I don't know if they were mandated by the VAWA.

Given that he's arguing with someone defending a grown-ass man kicking a kid in the ribs over a football, I'm inclined to cut Chance Hamlin some slack here.


Holy shit! A child laid on a ball for two seconds?! KICK THAT FUCKER!!!

No, I think I understand what you're saying, and I suspect you're partially right about it being tradition. It also has to do with a Supreme Court case from the 80's.

Well said.

"What sort of mentally balanced, morally normal person would sign up to possibly get killed committing war crimes? No sort, because they don't!"

"...why don't we already register for selective service?"

Wicked awesome.

To be fair...