
Pffft, don't worry about it. Shit's got an 18 pound trigger, no way she could pull it. Nothing unsafe there at all.


Don't they still make the Mini Cooper, though? I frankly don't care how many other models a company offers as long as they offer the one I want.

Unf. So good.

Kinda how I feel, too.

I want to has your screenname's babies.

The last three quarters are gonna suuuuuck if you're right.

"...have largely the same loot-finding experience as previous Diablo titles."

I see my work for the day has already been done for me. Guess I'll start drinking.


Watching pitchers bat really isn't any more awful than watching baseball, full stop. Get that junior circuit, AL crap outta here.

Of course you're going to hate a place if you only focus on the pimps and the chudz.

Personally, I think the combat in The Witcher is the worst I've ever experienced, much worse than any JRPG.

Sweet Jesus that's good.

Yeah, the way Ms. Laura Beck wrote the story doesn't really link the whole Kennedy-getting-beaten-during-a-second-meeting aspect to the interpretation of the "this is a case of..." remark. Seems like that would be important context for understanding the judge's comments.

"I get ___ MPG (vastly beyond average) on my car."


It worked here.

I know, it was a joke about how very far off that abbreviation is from today's military jargon. But thank you!

I see. In that case, we agree. Carry on.