Some people are saying he also stalked Lady Di.
Some people are saying he also stalked Lady Di.
Are you some kind of troll? Who can look around at what’s been happening in regards to immigration and not surmise our approach to immigration could use some fixing? Why are you sounding so combative towards this other poster who clearly isn’t taking a hard stand, much less claiming to have all the solutions? Back off…
I will also add what he said was not just one “slip-up” easily overlooked in the hoopla of 43 other minutes of a supposed inspiring speech. It is obviously what he thinks, full stop, and I am confident that anything else he says or does probably has this underlying mentality, as you proved with the quote you provided.…
Please list these things? It is not silly, it is exactly what I asked for, I really didn’t find anything. You said he’s remorseful for his mistakes. What mistakes are you willing to concede he made as it doesn’t appear you believe rape to be one of them? No matter who said, “boys should be strong, women should be…
I am curious what overwhelmingly positive contributions he has made off the field please? I was under the impression it was all either forced community service or efforts to overcome his questionable reputation, all self serving reasons ultimately, despite whether it actually benefits others. I mean here he is…
I would like some examples of “transportation related questions” please? Also, when do you ask these questions, do you call in advance, or stand outside the cab door doing an interrogation after hailing one down? I am genuinely curious, I haven’t accepted a ride from a cab or car service in almost 10 years because I…
“I think actual poor kids always know they are poor.” <—— Yes, saw the headline and was like “What?!” I don’t ever remember a time when I did not know I was poor, and with the exception of one earlier memory, my memories begin around 3 and 1/2 when we were expecting my sister to be born.
I don’t ever remember not knowing I was poor.
Ugh, that guy sucks, I hate him and hope his balls drop to his knees.
Right? It still makes me so mad.
You were right when you said something in essence of how doctors should be encouraging body positivity.
It was, thank you.
My mother took me to a doctor the summer between 8th and 9th grade under questionable circumstances that I later realized was most likely a virginity test (which I lost at the average age of 16). That doctor told me I had a “common abnormality” and proceeded to draw my labia (one is longer than the other) on the paper…
My friend was adamant about never wanting children or marriage, I had hoped to be a stay at home mom. 25 years later she is married with a kid and I am childless and have never been married. Life is weird.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; a non-abuser would just let someone who hated them this much go, if you love someone set them free and all that.
The second you say... maybe take that as a sign not to use anecdotal evidence to make a point? I get what you’re saying, I just think your personal experiences kind of detracted from your overall message, especially when the average age of people’s first marriage is rising steadily.
Hi, nice to meet you, I am 40 and have never been married or engaged. I have a large circle of friends, men and women, ages 35-55, of whom I’d wager half have never been married or engaged. We are city dwellers surviving on various arts, if that helps differentiate the demographics in any way, and maybe also like…
I read the book Sex at Dawn last year and came away with the idea that monogamy is not natural at all which makes it even that much more special, it requires some real mindfulness. This may come naturally to some but is not necessarily natural per se.
I wonder how many of his other 33 partners would be willing to testify that he was absolutely a nurturing and non-rapey partner? Tell me again why we bring a victim’s sexual history into these trials when really the accused’s history would be much more enlightening? I mean besides the fact that my vagina is just a…
I feel like a real non-abuser would just let someone who hated them so bad to go their own way.