
Idk, that’s just a synonym for a lot of people. I know the critiques but I’m just saying... It didn’t strike me as MRA-related because he seems to be saying that people “in power” abuse others and not that men are especially victimized by feminism or whatever. I think this is actually a very important statement to

Yeah I think I’m missing something...wouldn’t telling pregnant women that medical abortion is reversible make them more likely to choose it? If I were on the fence and had to make a decision, I would 100% choose the option that came with a side of “if you choose this one, you can still change your mind later.”

How many people regret their marriage? Let's ban marriages!!! 

I, for one, love this clever end run around the 19th Amendment.

Companies absolutely should be expected to pay a living wage. Why are you ok with our tax money going to supplement companies that pay poverty wages?

I guess if all of the jobs available to you pay so little that you need three of them to survive, every job is “supplemental income.”

“complete ownership”,“find a way to forgive me”,“it is not the person I am”, “as an elected official or as a human being”, “Moving forward”,“action plan”,“provide clarity”, “everything within my power”,“towards establishing trust”

When you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything and Petey certainly does seem to have trouble sticking to his initial guns on many issues. Focusing his outreach on former Dem voters who jumped ship to vote Repug once that candidate told them it was okay to let their bigot flags fly, wanting to somehow “build

I mean, I already feel like having a kid is never going to be a financial reality, so even if I got IVF tech covered by my insurance, I’m still on the hook for all the costs for the following 18+ years. Reproduction is already a luxury good.

Joe Biden didn’t make an actual apology. It was in the form of “I’m sorry that happened to you.” Which, conveniently, removes him from any responsibility for what happened to her.

I find your arguments somewhat odd. You seem focused on a bunch of technicalities for the sake of avoiding dealing with the real point of the article.

Dude literally anything that helps strengthen social bonds with zero harm to any other person should be rewarded and cherished! I love this so much!

This is why I like Warren. She is as progressive as Bernie, but actually has concrete plans on how to accomplish those progressives ideals we need and want so badly- thus making them policy and not just pie-in-the-sky-pandering.

That was my deciding factor in supporting Hillary, over Bernie, as well.

Normally, I do not reply to hate filled vitriol (especially the ones in the grays), but it’s Good Friday, so I am going to make an exception.

Her focus on policy is one of the reasons she’s my top pick right now. I have a really hard time imagining much of this being enacted, but I love that she’s putting them out there, and wish the media would give more attention to this than to the horse race stuff they usually focus on (not you all).

I wish more of Bernie’s fans would take a serious look at Warren. She is just as progressive, has actual plans on how she’d get shit done, and isn’t a cranky old pain in the ass. Ah well... 

It didn’t take away your generation like it did mine, although I think I might technically be on the cusp of Gen-X.

20K Tweets Sirota deleted. We won’t even get into the fact that he lied about working for Bernie as he was trashing those other candidates.