
Literally anything that you need to adjust while the vehicle is in motion.

The truth comes out. It was a GMC!

I’m interested. May I know more about this Hyundai?

And an invasive seach of the bloodstream.

The penalty for poor driving is a fine, not three days of wrongful imprisonment.

You have reached your independent thought limit for the day. Please return after 12:00 AM in your current time zone if you would like to express another independent thought. 

Gee, dealers can’t sell cars at current prices? Maybe they should try, I dunno, selling them for lower prices? Just thinking out loud here.

How strange that it’s hard to move $80k Chevy Tahoes.

This is more or less what I would expect from someone who’s probably thinking “I’m surrounded by godless heathen libtards” every day he’s on a film set.

I love how you framed “hundreds of rounds of ammunition” as a totally normal thing to carry in your car.

something something well-regulated militia, well-regulated Miata full of militia munitions.  It’s all 2A, bro.

Because it is an excessive amount.

I’m from Boston and was 9 when this happened. It was insanity. I remember where I was when (spoiler alert) Charles offed himself. I was in school. I swear my teacher turned on the news and we watched them search for his body.

People called it the crime of the century. I remember thinking, “Wait, of the past 100 years?

Sidebar: I recently learned from one of my millennial coworkers that anyone who is older than a millennial is a boomer. I had to explain to her where the term “baby-boomer” came from, but it was like showing a dog a card trick.

and brought a wider appreciation for the unloved machines that ferried our grandparents through the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations.

Dang, a bomb neighborhood got blown up? This must be one of those cities that got burned to ground I keep hearing about. Or was it an epic 90's themed community that’s been lost?

Seems like scheduling the races in a more intelligent way would help too.

Don’t forget that this was at the same time that Quibi raised $1.9 billion in investment.

I feel like you read this article about as thoroughly as I read recommended ibuprofen dosage directions.

Did you fail to notice that scammers are using boots too?