This is additional proof that running your BMW with super low PSI (technically the lowest possible) doesn’t magically cause it to crash.
This is additional proof that running your BMW with super low PSI (technically the lowest possible) doesn’t magically cause it to crash.
Now you play the game by punching the guy making the gesture.
Yes, that third strike was a little bit out of the zone...
It’s such an amazing look. I wish every ballplayer wore their pants like that.
Easy answer. It's those beautiful old-school style socks he's wearing
Yet more indisputable evidence that everyone who voted for this clown is either an idiot, an asshole, or both. There is no other possibility.
yeah, no, you’re wrong. If you think the parent of that kid doesn’t know what a terror the child is being, then your head is crammed so far up your ass you can floss with your chest hair.
I like to post this every once in a while
Wilkes Barros found himself caught between Scranton and Mifflinburg with that move.
My wife recently started watching the show “Sister Wives”. On Monday night, I accidentally glanced up while this tripe was on and saw Mr. Four Wives and Seventeen Kids driving a Murano CrossCabriolet. I chuckled, naturally. My wife says “What’s funny?” and I say “That car” and she says “I kinda like it.” Hopefully the…
He already left.
Dude, New York Bystanders was *right there*.
“I’ll have the Kidde’s meal”
Forget that nonsense. The high road is all well and good when your opponents are willing or able to join you on it. But for the current GOP that entirely lacks shame, compassion, or human decency, that is no longer the case.
That is what cost Hillary in 2016. Michelle Obama was full of shit, when they go low, you fight back because bullies never expect nor can handle being hit back with equal force.
They can’t be there Nancy Pelosi still keeps them in her purse. It might be his penis...
I love that he has to keep serving fast food because everyone made fun of him for it once, and he is constitutionally incapable of allowing even the implication he might have been wrong by serving better food now.
forget the rabona, that the two starters are Wainwright and Sanchez is some kind of throwback Obama-era pitching matchup. First term, even!