
That tweet aged so poorly, even Matt Gaetz wouldn’t try to fuck it.

His response is even better

Yea baby!

It could happen as soon as Ossoff and Warnock are sworn in :o)

A+ response. I’m so glad you got the phone situation resolved, and were gracious in not giving the associate’s name. It’s a tough time all around. Most people are doing the best they can (Miya excluded - well, maybe she is but her best isn’t good enough right now).

How dare you say that police officers are unfit. 

What those people don’t realize is that Ford came forward well before it became public knowledge but Feinstein — the Democratic ranking member on the Senate judiciary committee— sat on that information for months probably because of her Alzheimer’s or the fact she is a extremely wealthy conservative. Also, Ford told

ugh, this is why I haven’t been on Jezebel lately. How can you not report this part of the story? I get that we’re trying to give women the benefit of a doubt, but to just leave this out because what... it’s inconvenient?

Harris’s spokesperson is from my hometown! The same one that gave Biden an electoral vote (if only because a ton of Republicans actively voted against Trump).

Yeah, have people forgotten that the last Democratic admin’s senior staff team started out as such a toxic sausage party that Obama had to apologize for it in his recent book?  This is a big step forward.


Joe Biden can do no right, I guess.

It WOULD take a year-long global pandemic for some (not all!) guys to realize that they have emotional needs that can’t all be dumped upon the women they’re partnered with. 

We START with a candy-coated version of Raniere’s philosophy, the banal platitudes and reprocessed/regurgitated self-help-and-scientology stuff.’

Looks like we know who will be playing Ivanka in the movie.