
I was Jessica as a Merlotte’s waitress complete with blood tears for Halloween the last year it aired.

Yup. There is literally no context in which it is okay for us white people to use the word itself. The options are and have always been 1) keep your damn mouth shut, 2) use “n-word”.  There literally is no context in which it is ever okay for us to use the word itself.  It’s not hard.

I was myself recently stranded in NYC without a working phone* which meant I also did not have a way to contact my boyfriend who was also my ride home later. You know what I did? I put on my big girl pants, took a yellow cab to run the errand I needed to run, then took another cab to a friend’s apartment where I was

When my partner and I were about to move into our first place together, he sent me (via his mom) pics of two butt ugly couches she was considering getting for us as a gift, I said I was leaning towards the less ugly one, but wanted to think on it a bit. The next day I found out they went ahead and bought the more ugly

I also couldn’t get into Wild, Wild Country and I have not seen Jesus Camp, but will definitely check it out!

I watched Waco in September and that was the beginning of my obsession with any and all media about cults and the psychology behind them.  If you’re looking for recommendations after, I have TONS.

When there are still plenty of dads who don’t know how or care to parent their female children because of outdated notions of “playing catch with my son”, having a public facing “girl dad” matters, especially when he does also have son.

Wait, why “apart from some redheads” ? I now desperately need to now if this is a thing.

Yeah, there isn’t enough information for me to say one way or the other, and because of that I won’t dismiss her allegations and would definitely head into full on “believe” camp if someone else corroborates or comes forward with their own experience.

She also ran a 2020 primary campaign against Rep. Jerry Nadler essentially based on him being out of touch and her being the only option for the district to have someone in Congress to hold Trump accountable, all while Nadler was simultaneously arguing the case for Trump’s impeachment in the Senate as the chairman of

I knew plenty of actually “middle” middle class (and lower middle class, a lot of my friends’ parents had blue collar jobs) families with two kids each having their own room. Most people I grew up with didn’t share a room until college. My brother didn’t share a room until he enlisted in the military.  Having your own

I used to be the same way, but since my partner and I moved in with his parents for quarantine part two (and subsequently put our king bed in storage - queens here) I found I absolutely needed that extra bed space to be able to sleep next to my always snoring partner. Since a larger bed isn’t an option here, I’ve

First, is someone paying you to spend all day commenting on here to defend bad takes?

I’d say it absolutely is when the extent of defunding is debated by supporters of the movement.  

I mean, as we discussed on the Barf Bag thread, Jezebel (aka a member of the friggin media) doesn’t think communications jobs require skill or make an impact so of course they’d defend a slogan that was bad to begin with and became completely toxic after it was co-opted in bad faith by the right.   As I similarly said

I guffawed, thank you for that.

Especially when some of these women will be speaking to the American public on behalf of Vice President Harris. Thinking also of the boys who will grow up during this administration accepting diverse women in power as a fact of life.

Nope, I’m going to celebrate that qualified, experienced people are back in those jobs AND that they’re majority POC. It wasn’t that long ago none of these jobs were held by women. I was just hitting puberty when the first women held the jobs of Attorney General and Secretary of State, and that being the Clinton Admini

He also hasn’t been quarantined this whole time! His gf posted a photo of all the adult kids and partners, plus WH social media director Dan Scavino around a fire pit, sans masks, for Thanksgiving.

We didn’t move to the country, but we did give up our steal of a 1br West Village apt because 500 sq ft was fine when we both had lives and worked outside our home.  Six months into living in essentially two rooms and having no where else to go except outside made that untenable.  We plan to return to the city, but