A school district in Yakima, WA (Toppenish, I think?) has allowed 11 administrators and teachers to carry weapons in their classrooms/schools. I'm just disgusted. I am a teacher, and the day they ask me to carry is the day I quit. Fuck that noise.
A school district in Yakima, WA (Toppenish, I think?) has allowed 11 administrators and teachers to carry weapons in their classrooms/schools. I'm just disgusted. I am a teacher, and the day they ask me to carry is the day I quit. Fuck that noise.
Dreams do come true.
It's way, way more complex than just 'supporting monarchy.'
That's a sweet thought, but I still hate it for the same reasons Mila does. It's just plain wrong. The dude is not pregnant, period, no matter how empathetic and caring he is or how good a father he plans to be.
It's possible to both admire someone and also be a little offensive to that person. Praising a grown, educated woman who is an actress AND a professional public speaker(!!!) for their ability to annunciate clearly is a tad demeaning, even if it was meant nicely. It's kind of like praising an English teacher for being…
Someone is saying to you "This is my experience and my emotional reaction, can you please stop using that word in that way?" and your first reaction is to deny their experience and ridicule their reaction? Homework for the day: look up the word "micro-aggression" and consider what it's like to experience a million…
That's your problem.
White people think racism is in your intent.
I know she INTENDED well,
But her IMPACT was indeed racist.
But please, White Male Who Will Never Be On The Receiving End of Systematic Racism, continue to call me names because you don't agree with me.
Please, continue.
They should replace all CNN anchors with Snoop.
Also, if you weren't already married, you could've married him to protect yourself.
For reals, you guys. That's why they call a tank top an unmarried-friends-with-benefits-beater.
Good thing Jack Torrance is a married man. Look how safe his wife feels!
A smaller secondary point to the one you raised: I also found this really reductive and insulting to men who are married, have children and are not abusive monsters. The implication that the only reason they're caring and loving spouses and fathers is because of a government contract is pretty gross.
It isn't. But the reason those women aren't victims of violence has a lot more to do with socio economic status than marital status specifically.
BREAKING NEWS: Domestic violence is no more. Sources say that reports of domestic disputes have dropped to zero.
I'm just gonna use this as an excuse to post my favorite C&H comic.
Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
Coming soon right next door: a Peruvian cuyería.
Or we just have a community BBQ. Problem solved.
Bill Watterson, the famously reclusive creator of beloved comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, returned to your…
May the Lord take your —and all of our's— health, guide them behind the middle school, and get them pregnant with with a better tomorrow. Get well, sweet funny man who is actually distinct from his character.