Pissing contest on behalf of my beloved Mr. Fash….but it totally, utterly impacted me. So, that counts, right? Anywhoozle…here goes. I have changed the names of the friends involved to "Romeo and Juliet" to protect the not-so-innocent.
Pissing contest on behalf of my beloved Mr. Fash….but it totally, utterly impacted me. So, that counts, right? Anywhoozle…here goes. I have changed the names of the friends involved to "Romeo and Juliet" to protect the not-so-innocent.
11-13 drops? NO
Good luck. It's the worst. I mean...no it's not! The bar is great!
Actually the first woman President was Edith Wilson who very effectively ran the executive branch while her husband was recovering from a stroke in 1919.
The one thing that pisses me off about modesty culture is that no one ever demands men to be role models for young boys. Charlie Sheen has done much worse things than Rihanna, and there are plenty of young boys who think he's cool, and yet there isn't one article about how he's a bad role model. If you're going to be…
Fixed it.
If this is what a 'poorly put together streetwalker' looks like, then I just have one question: What streets do you walk on? Cause where I live, even the well put together streetwalkers don't look like that!
Scodie goes on to praise Scout Willis's breast-baring as somehow powerful and cool, because reasons.
TLC's music, although by no means is all that great
I have to say, if I had Rihanna's body, I would walk around naked ALL THE TIME! And I'd stand in front of the mirror everydsy for like an hour staring at my buttnaked hotness ...just sayin'
Aw, I have a similar epically romantic proposal. While my future husband and I were shopping for maternity clothes (yeah, I was knocked up), we stopped at a mall food court for lunch at Arby's and mid-bite of some roast beef I heard his sweet words: "Soooo do you want to get married soon errr...?" I made him sweat it…
Which episode?
Only read the bullet points because I refuse to be spoiled, but so far I'm happy. FOUR HOURS BITCHES!!!!
1. Less Piper.
In my experience, the people who say "We have a mental illness problem, not a gun problem" are often the same ones who want to abolish taxes (which, you know, pay for a lot of mental health services and fund the NIMH) and repeal the ACA (which made it so I couldn't be denied insurance coverage for my big fat…
The short answer is the 2nd Amendment to the federal constitution. It's worded in such a way that people who have no problem ignoring the rules of English syntax can say that gun control is illegal. The National Rifle Association (aligned, I assume, with manufacturers) is an incredibly powerful lobby and uses the 2nd…
Yes, those who have the means for elective bloods tests may be able to find out the sex of their fetus early, however what do you think the actual incidence is of the average person paying for a non-covered test in order to ascertain this information and then having an abortion based on the outcome? The number 1…
You could have built any world you wanted to—why choose one ruled by the same regressive, white-washed midcentury morality as every other "modern" fairy tale? Aren't thou bored?