I never knew I wanted to get married until this story. Did he say, "God, I hate it when I'm right" at any point?
I never knew I wanted to get married until this story. Did he say, "God, I hate it when I'm right" at any point?
okay, but that's not what I said, nor the argument I put forth. Part of dialogue is listening [reading] the argument that is presented and responding to that.
soooo....we weren't really disagreeing? I wasn't saying that it didn't matter, I was saying that viewing it as a fireable offense/reason not to even consider someone is bullshit. Procreation is, IMO, a foreseeable "inconvenience" naturally associated with any employee's life (male or female, i have friends from…
well, there are certain lobbies that have been trying to kill the NLRB since its inception, and they're definitely getting close these days. *cough cough* half the the Supreme Court.
and they're usually the same dudes complaining about girls being "bitches" all the time...and yet even the nicest people are mean when they're hungry....perchance there is a correlation?
the legit market is where the big crooks are, governments have way more $$, and those contracts are choice
my dearly departed tabby's response would have been something along the lines of, "I don't need feminism, because I already peed on everything you own and it is now mine." I bet he's up in kitty heaven eviscerating all the woodland creatures he can find.
people who build rockets and other military—I'm sorry—"security" tech?
cool, thanks for your opinion!
Has anyone seen Snowpiercer, yet? I watched it last night, and I thought it was very well done. I'd like to hear anyone else opinion on it. It's Bong Joon-Ho's first English film. It's got Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, John Hurt, Chris—-one of those blonde superhero boys The Captain America one, and Song Kang-Ho(!).…
i finally saw Man of Steel recently and when Supes stepped out in his outfit and they panned up from his feet it totally looked like he had a little wedge heel going on there in the red boots. maybe it was just me though. or maybe super heroes just like a little lift in their footwear to make their calf muscles pop?
it really just seems like an arbitrary line to draw. i mean you can select a donor with eye color, hair color, less tendencies toward genetic illnesses, etc. why is this the one line that people are like "woah, now you've gone too far"? i mean really? does anyone have a problem with a non-caucasian mom choosing a…
reasonably, 100% of people need food and shelter to survive, and if you're not on public aid, or inherited a shit ton of money, you need a job to pay for those things.
have you ever heard of the phrase, "comparing apples to oranges"?
maybe now would be a good time for you to stop projecting your own beliefs/ideas onto other people and issues you clearly know nothing about.
sccchhhweeet!! who's got two thumbs and going to eat some grilled cheese in the near future? this midwestern girl! i know that doesn't work as well on the internets, but i don't care.
aww bless your heart.
Are you telling me that you're a "law firm owner" ....[I take it you mean solo practitioner] Mr. Texas Defender, and you don't understand what "mandated birth control coverage is?" Either you're lying like a rug, or everything I've heard about the Texas bar is crap. I call bullshit. Hell, you're probably not even…