
I think one issue about the sexualization of pop stars that Sinead is right about is their extremely young ages. If you think about Madonna, she was like 23 or something before she became really famous. She was a confident, mature young woman. Someone like Britney Spears was 16 or so, and it was apparent that while

Now I want some Stouffer's french bread pizza...

I had 4 roommates from Oct-Feb, and sometimes I work as an extra, which means you eat in a giant holding area that devolves into something like a jr high cafeteria. I also grew up with 2 siblings and 10 first cousins living nearby...I LOVE having a chance to eat alone, at home or in a restaurant.

No I'm saying Miley right now is the equivalent, popularity wise, of some of the bands that came out of the grunge thing back then. But the idea an album made by someone really popular with someone really respected reminded me of some of those albums that were getting made in the mid-90s. Even though the roles are

Well I didn't express myself very well. But for a year or two in the mid-90s a lot of well respected musicians got signed to major labels, which either wanted the grunge/post-punk credibility, or their artists wanted to work with these people they really admired. I think record labels today would be more gun-shy about

Well it COULD though, right? There was that Mike Watt album in 1995 with special guests the surviving members of Nirvana and Eddie Vedder. This would basically be the equivalent of that: Miley gets to work with someone she admires, everyone gets a little credibility, nerdy girls get to buy something kind of fun and

Ooh Amy Sedaris is perfect for that!

Someone suggested Retta yesterday. I think she would be amazing, and she's on Parks and Rec so she's got name recognition and a fanbase. So that's who I'm particularly rooting for.

In terms of the article, a lot of the reasons people think they can deceive women relate to the way that women present themselves (for example, as warm and polite). So I do think that preparation and assertiveness make a difference. I'm not sure if I'm just jaded because I live in LA, and used to live in NY, but

I know, but I've also always really pushed my superiors at work regarding that too. For example, when I worked in retail they told me the DM would have to approve a higher raise than what they offered me, so I got my store manager to call the DM and ask in front of me. The DM wouldn't budge but it was my first annual

A lot of salespeople will lie as much as they can get away with, with anyone. With the internet, it's not hard to do some research before making a big purchase, so all consumers should try to be prepared. It's kind of up to the consumer to ask good questions and bail if something the salesperson says seems really off.

Especially ironic for a song called "Flawless"

Well, I expected it in the arts/entertainment side of things. I am always blindsided by it when it's an insurance company or accounting department. I had this stereotype that accountants etc could be counted on to be stable. Lesson: Stereotyping will always steer you wrong!

Oh my god...condescension! I went to a fancy university and many of the men I've dated want to out-military-history me, even though I studied that, and once even wrote a historiography of the motherf*cking Spanish Civil War. Also, my family is all navy-marine-marine of the quarter-navy etc. The guys I've dated are

This week I worked a fuckton of overtime so I'm feeling pretty good about money for this month. I am starting a long term part time temp thing on Monday, they seem like they might be pretty stable and down to earth* at this company so we'll see how that is. I just feel REALLY grateful that things are starting to look

Just wanted to say *hugs* to you. We all have times when we hate life, no matter how good we know it objectively is. It's not worth feeling guilty about. Especially because it's ROUGH out there right now, almost no one I know is making enough to really get by.

Dude RETTA! Retta would be an amazing Ghostbuster.

That sounds amazing. My problem is that I roll over, turn mine off, and then oversleep.

I booked some work! Nothing exciting, but a job is a job at this point. Now I just have to wake up on time in the morning.

I'm pretty stressed lately. I haven't been booking much work (acting, office temp, anything) so I'm worried about money. I'm having weird nightmares that I'm walking around with makeup smeared strangely over my face. Last night I dreamt that I asked Kris Jenner to be my Momager. In one way I feel like I'm cracking up,