
I think that may be true in some areas (certain "nice" suburbs, maybe even across the Bible Belt), but in some places it's totally normal for teens to have kids, and that keeps generations of families poor. Shunning isn't okay, and I don't see anyone advocating that. It's a bad idea to make teen parenting look fun or

I think it's great that these students are graduating, but it's also not great to normalize or celebrate having kids while in HS. When I worked in retail in NYC after college, a lot of my co-workers couldn't believe that I was 23 and didn't have any kids: they had all had theirs starting as teenagers (one woman I

You can also used ground up dried adzuki beans. If you're too lazy to grind it up yourself, Mark (avon jr) used to carry it and maybe they still do.

I used to work in a retail store where he shopped in LA. He's very polite, just seems like being recognized is not his favorite thing. (Not that he's unfriendly to fans, he just gets this look on his face like "Oh no, my cover's blown.") He seems anxious and not super outgoing. Some people are offended by that, but

I think he's influenced by the lesbian continuum idea from second wave feminism, which was about how women related to other women. That's what this reminded me of. He's talking about how much someone identifies with and relates to women. It's certainly clumsy to us now, but this didn't necessarily seem nuts at the

In my experience, that job attracts three types of people:

No one in the mainstream wanted to touch this guy with a ten foot pole for the last 10 years of his life. He was a punchline. To me that adds an extra layer of creepiness to the fawning way people talk about him now, and this new album/hologram/let's-bring-the-greatest-ever-back thing.

The feeling of my butt flab bouncing up and down when I started running again was weird enough to me that it pissed me off and motivated me like crazy. I just really like the feeling of being toned.

My building has a pool that no one ever uses. Today I bought a swimsuit (Dolfin "uglies" suit on clearance at Dick's for $14.97) and I think I'm gonna start swimming for fitness again. Also, I volunteered at the animal shelter again today! People kept asking me questions and I was like, "Uhhhhh I dunno it's only my

I had a teacher in HS who did that too! She wasn't called either.

I think people are wrapped up in the potential that a baby represents. They see a clean slate. "How could you do that!? That baby could grow up and cure cancer!" etc. I think they have a very black and white worldview and they don't want to face reality.

My sister and I used to draw along with this when we were kids because we didn't have fancy paints and palettes! It was a great way to spend a weekend morning.

That's really not true, though. I walk through some parts of LA (not even "bad" parts) and people shout things like, "I'm-a stick my dick in yo ass!" at me and then follow me for a block. Do you think that guy believes consent is important? I'm glad your experience tells you that people are nice, and want enthusiastic

This week was really rough on me. It's not easy to describe, I just feel depressed. I am making a lot of progress in my life, but now that I'm fairly healthy and stable I still feel like the rug is going to get pulled out from under me at any second. Also, I am trying to make friends who are more in sync with my life

When you say nothing, do you mean no material things or no good relationship things? I went to a fancy university and still had to work retail for years, so I get how frustrating it can be to try and improve one's financial/social situation. Last fall I got a decent paying job (finally) in the insurance industry, and

I second the recommendation for Korean skincare products! Also, I changed my diet lately (way less coffee and soda, more veggies and fruits) and my skin looks a lot better. My "11" between the eyes is way less prominent now than it was a couple of months ago.

Oh wow. That's weird. Good for you for being prepared though. When I graduated & was moving out of my college apartment, a dude creeped me out that way too when I was selling some stuff. Luckily I was moving, like, the next day and there was going to be a border in between us. Would you consider getting a dog, or at

D'aww! Baby lovebug!

There are PLENTY of women who would not fuck him. Sure, many would. And others would let him get close enough that they could hit him over the head and take his wallet while he was out cold. But many of us have standards. Really, what do you take us for?

It sounds uncomfortable to begin with...and wouldn't the sugar make you yeasty too? Seems like a bad idea all around.