
I live in the LA area. We're having a holiday toy/book drive at work. So today I went to Target near work to look for whitewashed. The children's books were all about white kids, except for one Dora the Explorer book and something called (I think) "I Survived the Japan Tsunami" which had a drawing of a

Professional lighting is going to make a person look different than school picture lighting circa 1988. I mean...really?

It gets expensive to do quality coke after a while. Not to mention, many coke fiends get kicked out by their spouses and/or lose their jobs as their addiction escalates.

Kanye said he would make Kim Kardashian bigger than Beyonce. Or something along those lines.

Well, he probably started earlier. Or if he had threatened to withhold something a 17 year old believed he "needed" from coach (like a recommendation letter for a college application, a reference for a possible job) I can see it happening. Teenagers aren't known for their clear thinking and great decision making.

Jacques Plante took SO MUCH SHIT for wearing a mask.

I think it's about time for Cragen and Munch to form a private detective agency and solve crime that way. America loves it when retirees and oldsters (JB Fletcher, Matlock, Dr Sloan) fight crime.

Now playing

Sorry to hear this...hope you have a rootin' tootin' 2014. And sometimes a bad thing can lead you down a road you never would've taken. For example, if not for the death of her beloved Frank, Mrs Fletcher never would've started writing mysteries.

I think a lot of it is simple stuff like showing up on time. Seriously. If you're easy to work with, you'll get more work. Someone as talented as Lindsay Lohan or Robert Downey Jr, or as bankable as Charlie Sheen can be "difficult"...others not so much.

Really? I grew up in RI, I remember reading in the Providence Journal around 2000 that it's 86% Catholic. Of course, it's kind of center-left Catholicism (everyone goes to Church, but everyone uses the Pill too). I do have Catholic cousins who homeschool their kids because they think RI Catholic schools are not

When my cousins ask for super-expensive stuff I donate like $20 in their name to a charity such as UNICEF, print the receipt out, and put it in a card and give it to them. These aren't super-young kids, they're old enough to understand that (1) not everyone has that kind of cash to throw around (2) the holidays are

I live in LA, and I don't own a car right now, and one day this guy saw me on the bus, tried to chat me up, and then followed me. I had made it clear I wasn't interested and he kept asking things like, "Why are you being so standoffish?" He lurked outside the shop I went into until I exited. I had to cross the street

When I was living at my parents' house, in a similarly broke situation, I would check out yoga DVDs at the library. If you have the patience to watch it through once first, then try it, I found that was a good way for me to get familiar with the poses first and know what to expect a little.

Ooh good idea! I live in SoCal...I should probably take it to the beach someday next summer.

I just started playing the ukulele. It's great because I deal with anxiety and depression, and it's such a happy mellow sounding instrument.

Is there a Buffalo Exchange near you?

I like The Air Loom Gang, which is about the first person on record to have a "that machine is controlling me" delusion. It touches on politics in Great Britain and the French Revolution, too.

No, because the behavior reminds me of my two former roommates who had cocaine was white and one was Asian, for the record. He's been ranting weirdly (leather jogging pants - my girlfriend is hotter & more important than Michelle Obama - I am "breaking up" with the President etc) for like a month now.

He could be talking about white Texas oil types I guess.

I don't think it's constructive to get into "MY group is more oppressed than THAT GROUP over there." Jews still legitimately encounter discrimination in America today, and there are still plenty of Jews who have a living memory of things like quotas designed to exclude them from universities. There are also Jews in my