
This isn’t quite true. Unlocking framerate actually can affect loading and there’s actually mods for prominent games that toggle VSync and frames during load times. You transition faster from loading screen to the game itself and that time can add up.

Oh, yeah, I remember reading something about that. Let’s see if I can find it right here. . .

She exercised her rights... quit bitching.

The point is, she shouldn’t have to produce her papers to prove she’s allowed to travel within the USA. She wasn’t abusive to the officers. They were doing their job, but was insisting that their orders were immoral. She’s allowed that right.

Funny that it now gets the “snowflake” treatment. I’ve watched a thousand of these videos going back to like ‘09, and lots were made by tea party patriots. I wonder what changed.

This guy looks exactly like what you would expect a derp-a-derp ICE agent to look like.

Oh hey, you just made a Hori PR person’s weekend covering shit they did not REALLY expect you to cover.

Gonna be real here, and I don’t say this lightly, but I’d rather there were no voice chat option at all than whatever this *makes obnoxious double open hand point toward a jumble of wires* is.

Nintendo: “People hate our voice chat app, how do we make them *want* to use the app?”

if you can buy that anemone afro on the app, then I will buy a switch and splatoon and a phone.

this seems relevant to splatoon and definitely not meant to be on the pokemon go article ;)

Okay, so cyborg type cosplay is a type of cosplay i could get into. What materials and methods are being used here? I’d love to get into making something like this.

Like Rihanna did 2 years ago?

Sadly, probably. Also Next step: banning all med students at any institution who are on federal student loans from being allowed to receive abortion training.

WOW. This type of thing drives me extra crazy because ABORTION IS LEGAL. So this is telling the university to just not teach a certain medical practice to medical students. Its like telling them not to learn how to do stitches on patients. Ridiculous, hopefully this does not pass.

Can you please rename The Stacks The Rabbithole as you most certainly go down one every time you read one of these submissions. This is Deadspin at its finest.

Honestly I thought the controversy would be more over if the duck would actually legitimately melt and if it’d look like that when melted

“I think these things have to be proven. This is a very strange and unbeknownst allegation to us and there would be no way I could comment on it. It’s irrelevant. We don’t know who you’re talking about. This is just an allegation.”

Strangling to death with wires is a feature. They wanted to deliver a better, more robust execution.

I wanted my female voice to be confident and assertive, but then they would have tagged as bitchy and cold, so...