
Some people were denied coverage because had acne in the past. ACNE

Being nice to another human being even if it costs you something is not synonymous with being taken advantage of.

As a woman who games regularly and has since the 80s, I still marvel at gaming conventions where young men and older men will literally stare, dumbly, at female RPG gamers. Some even go so far as to say, “Uhhh, I didn’t know girls played these games.”

I think my brother and I got lucky in that it was a woman who taught us how to play. Most of our groups over the decades since have been mixed company of various sorts and that’s a big part of what taught me to appreciate diversity the way I do now.

Katharine Kerr was a contributing editor for Dragon. She authored some modules including co-authoring Legacy of Blood (1987). She is best known for her Deverry Celtic Fantasy novels.

That would be “crumpet”.

Wow, great piece! We had Palace of the Silver Princess when I was a D&D-playing youngster, but I’m sure it wasn’t the orange-border edition. I’d have remembered that illustration!

That’s what I’m afraid of, haha.

No, that isn’t a fucked up approach. That is EXACTLY how language works. Ask any linguist, anywhere.

If I live to be 100 on my deathbed I could probably trace the lines of Darlene Cook’s Greyhawk map from memory. It was like wikipedia in that you couldn’t just look at one part and then leave it be.

Pretty damn boss article Cecilia, like one that would be at the end of a dungeon or something.

I think all that “devil worship” mass hysteria stuff from the 80's really made D&D conservative. It took most of the sex and “questionable” content out of circulation. Hell, RPGA (as of my last encounter with it) didn’t even

As for Cernovich, in case politics doesn’t pan out, he’s working on a side hustle ripped from the pages of InfoWars: branded supplements. When asked how sales of Gorilla Mind, a nootropic drug based off the name of his self-published book, he told Gizmodo: “I don’t have any yet, but that’ll go well.”

Sweet article. Also it’s pronounced JIF.

The only thing that I notice at all anymore is Mario’s shadow. It doesn’t shadow the way everything else shadows (look at it compared to the shadows of the ice blocks and things) his is always directly under him, as if the sun is hovering right above him. To the point where when he’s riding Jaxi around Mario’s shadow

I really hope that this was done intentionally by some design intern that got assigned to the project and rightfully hates Dan Snyder and the fact that the team is still named this way in 2017.

Oh, I thought you were referring to that racist logo.

Monkey Island is my favorite game series of all time. But I’ve never understood why II is more beloved than I. I guess I am blinded by nostalgia with how the first game swept me off my feet, but even when I was a kid I was a little let down by MI2, mostly because of the ending probably. I still love 2, but it just

I must say that Curse of the Monkey Island should be higher on the list. It was stylish, funny and had pretty great puzzles. Not to mention great characters, Murray was awesome.

Yeah, I played through the iOS remaster and... it basically confirmed my opinion at the time. It’s fun, but it’s just not as good as Monkey Island (either I or II) or Fate of Atlantis.

And Curse of Monkey Island below Maniac Mansion is just...weird.