Until everyone’s treated the same as everyone, having to deal with the fact that you’re gay or trans or whatever and the social issues that come along with it is a daily thing for the people who live it. I think you can handle a couple scribbles.
Until everyone’s treated the same as everyone, having to deal with the fact that you’re gay or trans or whatever and the social issues that come along with it is a daily thing for the people who live it. I think you can handle a couple scribbles.
This is extremely different from any online game I have ever experienced???
That conveniently skirts around all the ways our own cultures influence the art we create. Inklings are humanoid with trendy clothing. You can choose from two gender models when you make yours. It’s not irrelevant.
Juvenile crime isn’t about the “harmlessness” of the crime, it’s about the age of the perpetrator. We have lesser crimes for adults, if they’re less harmful.
What we *should* do is help institutionalize them, care for them and their needs as best and compassionately as possible without endangering others.
What we do is lock them up in tiny rooms and restrain them and keep them alive.
This happened in 2014 and the trial has only progressed this far? I knew the criminal justice system was slow but this is pretty unacceptable. If this were a case where it were less clear if the parties were guilty, they’d be taking up a significant chunk of an innocent child’s life. Even for a guilty child, this is…
It’s garbage at first but I recommend trying to learn it after you get more used to the game. It can bring a level of precision that’s really difficult to get with controllers otherwise.
No, I hate people for revving their loud-ass cars and interrupting a perfectly serene moment in my home because they need everyone to know their car is present.
I just started a new Creative Mode game to explore new biomes and am waiting for a bit to restart my old Normal save (which doesn’t have nearly 400 hours, though)
I hope you realize women only do this because they’re taught it’s one of the ways they can get positive attention from men, since those men don’t always just treat them as normal, equal people, and society teaches them that the way they are most valuable is if men desire them.
Body is, outfit’s not. Next question.
Yo this can make adult women unrelated to you feel pretty shitty/angry that you apparently didn’t care about them until you had a daughter
I can’t stand it because I’m not free to play that often. I can’t plan my life around a game, but if I don’t, I don’t get to play these parts when I feel like it.
I cannot believe they still haven’t managed to implement mid-game replacements, be it human or AI. They even have battle AI in single-player mode for the Octolings.
I found the wording in the article confusing: is there already LAN play and spectator mode in Splatoon 2, or are people saying there needs to be?
Do you say the same thing about “playing football”?
She literally said she’s doing it *because* she’s white, and knows she can get away with it when other people can’t.
more is always better, huh?
Trans men can get pregnant and have abortions too. The benefit of stopping calling this “women’s issues” is not just that everyone should care about it, but that it’s also inclusive of trans people.
If I truly met Shigeru Miyamoto at a grocery store in the Pacific NW you can bet your ass I’m telling everyone about it