
Because the majority of trained scientists, including many who have no financial stake in the issue, including my college chemistry professors, have assessed the evidence and said it demonstrates that human-influenced climate change is going to be an issue for the sustainability of our ecosystem. That’s why. We know a

Why do you need cell data usage when Splatoon can only be played over wifi anyways?

It’s more about having the choice not to. I use my phone for other stuff, it doesn’t have a ton of storage space left, and it’s an extra device to handle. I’d even prefer using something like discord on my PC, because at least then I’m not going to accidentally knock my PC tower off the table because I yanked on a

they may have achieved parity in additions from the start, but tanks/support have always been undersupplied. you need them in every game, but there are so many fewer choices.

As a person who tends to play tanks, I’m sad I have so many fewer choices than other roles might.

Yeah, I do well enough in the areas nobody else goes to when I’m playing solo, but I am also a persistent/sneaky looter.

In a group, the only thing I’ve found to work is to go to a cluster of multi-story buildings that most other people don’t go to, and parallelize looting as much as possible. Probably one person will

If you’re worried about compatibility, will help you with that — if you put parts together in a build, it will tell you if those parts are compatible/if your selected PSU is sufficient for the components.

As far as future-proof goes... you should probably just buy a GTX 1060 or greater, which will do

If you’re worried about compatibility, will help you with that — if you put parts together in a

I wasn’t aware GPUs were related to a fictional material from Skyrim

I wasn’t aware GPUs were related to a fictional material from Skyrim

It’s great if you don’t want to build one and don’t always need to max out all your game settings into the forseeable future.

It’s great if you don’t want to build one and don’t always need to max out all your game settings into the

Twintelle is also good, because her charge slows down the incoming grab, and her parasols have a better shot at shooting down an incoming grab because of the wide hitbox. My bf plays Ninjara a lot and is always complaining about the parasols :)

Lag can occur on wired connections intermittently, even for reasons that are not due to your own personal ISP connection.

Ooh, I like this one.

I’ve never had the tolerance for replaying things that are much too difficult. I don’t understand why anyone builds games that are like that. How is repeating the same thing over and over again until you do it perfect fun? If I had fun with that, I’d have useful skills I could build with real practice :P I play games

On serious note, games dont owe you shit. If a dev feels that a game isnt the experience he wanted people to have and he tones down the difficulty to fix that, thats fine. But these devs bending their wills to people who demand experiences cater to them, come off as weak willed and not in charge of their creation.

yes, if you don’t spend a year on a single game, you are a baby. that makes sense.

But, as evidenced by the success of most of the current monstrosities labeled as gaming laptops, gamers don’t really care about how gigantic a gaming laptop looks. What they care about is how it runs.

If you want something super open rules-wise, you should check out Dungeon World. It’s got structure to get you started, but then your group can just tell any story you like and make the rules be what you think works.

That seems to be Alex Jones’s business model.

Yes, but, also, insurance providers can now charge you much more or refuse to cover you at all if you have a pre-existing condition. Like cancer in remission. Or allergies. Or a heart defect you were born with. Or depression.

Given that the people who invented the format pronounce it with a soft g, I think it’s pretty safe to say it was said that way first.