
Orrrrr make your graphical assets able to be rendered on a majority of machines with discrete graphics and then not be able to “turn up” anything from there.

from what i’ve seen people can also get hypercritical if they know you have any sort of condition that causes you to be different and they want to help you “fix” it. That example of “Don’t ask ‘How are you?’ if you don’t want an honest answer” — I’m assuming someone told you you shouldn’t answer that honestly? I

Getting involved with an esports scene for a game is not inherently in the definition of “supporting” a game. You say it like it’s something companies ought to be obligated to do. Companies do it because it makes them money; if it didn’t, they wouldn’t. And Nintendo has chosen to say no to this money, like they often

Did you denounce Dylan Roof when he shot up a church of black people? Did you call for priests to denounce him? Fucking double standards just because Muslims are an “other” to you.

“there are a significant number of people out there that would have no problem digging a hole in the ground, burying you up to your neck, and throwing rocks at your head until you die”

Even if you’re exactly right, those people are not “Muslims”. I have Muslim friends. They don’t want that. In fact, they do those

Is there any good reason to get it through kickstarter if you’re purchasing in the next week?

Yes. Wearing a headdress when you haven’t earned one, for example, is culturally equivalent to wearing a Purple Heart when you haven’t earned one. The problem is most people are ignorant about what this means, and so they just take something that looks cool and wear it around without any regard for its cultural

Genji got wrecked by his brother Hanzo. Blackwatch/Mercy “saved” him by giving him the robot body, presumably because the rest of him was basically dead

But it’d be weird if Pharah was the only one doing that. What if there was a Soldier:76 skin that made him black?

Hahaha Reinhardt out of armor wouldn’t make any sense. Like if you try to imagine his body inside of that thing, based on his head size, he’s muuuuch smaller than that suit of armor (and so the joint locations also don’t make sense because they wouldn’t match up with his joints...)

I was also grossed out by the ability to date your teacher. Normally a 17 and a 15-year-old would probably be okay dating but like... Futaba is *just* learning to be in the world again and she’s incredibly dependent on you and vulnerable. It’s just a bad idea, she should learn to be on her own and be independent and

No, that’s her lower lip. They exaggerated it, I think they were going for a “flirty” look which... no.

Yeah I was put off by that as well. They look super pouty and glossed up, doesn’t fit Futaba at all.

Cecilia, thank you so much. I’ve been wanting to say these words so much and it means so much to me that you said them to Jeff Kaplan and wrote them. You are great and doing good work. <3

What if all characters in video games were black

The difference between the devs and the fans doing it *is* actually the difference.

I mean, Nintendo wants families with tiny children comfortable buying their games. It shouldn’t be a shock that Nintendo doesn’t want the European equivalent of flipping the bird in one of their most family-friendly franchises.

I thought a little bit of that might actually be a more promising about the discovery front — they talk about investigating things as if it’s their core reason for existence, and there’s some cool spacewalk visuals. I’m hopeful about that part!

It wouldn’t be that hard to write a sequel that just fills people in on any important stuff they missed. Previous Star Treks did that all the time.

I don’t know if I’d say those probably-Klingons are fugly as hell as much as... I’m worried they’re still a little too much caricature-of-PoC-warlike-savage. The big lips and super exaggerated wide nose, not to mention the dark skintone... feels like subtle blackface. This would be less worrisome if it weren’t already