
It’s not totally out of the realm of possibility. Each different type of media could be provided using different code under the hood and maybe they just haven’t built full tracking for FB Live video yet. Additionally, it’s possible they really don’t ever log full names — maybe they just modify individual profiles if


I haven’t read that far yet, and that’s what’s keeping me going. I like interesting lore and world-building. I’m really curious to find out what’s up with the Titans.

If you think appeal of stories *really* fall neatly along gender lines, you need to either go watch some better stories or meet some more people.

yay i saw Guybrush Threepwood in the comments

Early LucasArts games were also thick with references, and it didn’t decrease my enjoyment of them when I was literally playing my first one ever. It just meant there were some jokes I didn’t get. And having them explained to you probably won’t help — because it’s less that it’s a joke, and more a reference to

You should find Monkey Island 3 and play it (probably need to use ScummVM, unless you have a Windows 98 machine lying around). It’s got all the charm and fun of point and clicks, but updated a little bit more and it’s a little less frustrating. Also it’s gorgeous.

yeah, splatoon 1 messed up by needing the gamepad screen for the jumping/map functionality. it also ruined local multiplayer — since both players couldn’t have access to that at once, they added the severely limited mode where you could only two people could play against each other, with only a few weapons, on one

It’s cool that y’all added a transcript. Can I suggest mentioning that there’s a transcript in the first paragraph? If I wasn’t able to listen to the video, I probably wouldn’t have clicked from the first page because I had no way of knowing there’d be a transcript.

It would not be super hard if you had 1) a lot of hearts 2) good weapons 3) probably some defense boosting food, and finally 4) some solid dodging/parrying skills.

I have an important question: why does the sheikah outfit in the top illustration not have a crotch

he looks damn good in an all-white Sheikah outfit >.>

That’s so sweet, that sounds like a good workplace

I was actually in line for a switch on release day with a few casual gamers who weren’t even planning on buying Zelda. I don’t get it, but they were happy.

oh god yes the number of times i wrongly hit the map button, and then since it was a toggle and not a “only show the map while you hold down x” situation I fumbled a lot :(

aight, taking your comment at face value (which, it’s kinda trolly in that it’s super not the point) its also not the kind of thing you’d throw around if you were a white-looking black person. which... let’s be real the chances of that are extremely slim. there does become a point where in many ways society does treat

I mean, I feel like this must’ve been how the article originated. Some writers were talking about jerkin’ it and Wolverine came up (or the other way around).

Oooh, Marv and Harry died in prison accidents would be a good sequel

Mag-neat-o! sounds like something Robin (as in Batman) would say

do they though