
It takes a lot of strength and energy to keep opposing something of this caliber constantly, so calling in to voice your support and encouragement seems like a good idea to me.

I was confused by the in-game names thing, i would assume they’d pick different names, but either it takes too long to ban the cheaters and their infamy spreads quickly, or cheaters are signing up with the same names which you can do with (invisible numbers get attached)

then blizzard should give the PC Bangs an incentive to stop allowing that: either refuse to sell to them if they don’t do that, or refuse to sell to them after they’ve had several issues with people hacking and haven’t addressed it

That’s not true yet. She passed the Senate committee, not the full Senate.

yeah but men love to hate an asshole woman way more than an asshole man

tbh that’s all i want out of a personal assistant.

if California can secede I think they can manage to keep out Peter Thiel. I do worry about the libertarian silicon valley bros in general though.

Some people feel legitimately attacked/terrified at this point. Defensiveness is understandable.

You’re funding people’s livelihoods a little more, where those specific people are people who took a morally good stand.

Maybe they should take that as an opportunity to re-examine their views and question why so many others are strongly against what they support. If they don’t even try, they’ve only got themselves to blame, although that’s not how they’ll see it. Only so much you can do for someone who doesn’t want to question their


“People from the Middle East would just as soon have someone like me killed than help me.” Let’s mull on that one for a second.

At this point I am extremely suspect of the moral compass/good judgment of anyone who still supports Trump

Don’t worry there may be a federal bathroom bill in the works! lots of rumors of the exec branch working up orders to remove LGBT protections

he lost the popular vote and his popularity in polls keeps dwindling and people are constantly turning up for protests against him and his actions... so... maybe not.

people can both donate and buy video games, in a lot of cases

Yeah it’s almost like this issue has a giant impact on the daily lives of real people. Hrm.

well if you work for/with them you may care. Speaking as a developer.