
Do you really have to be a petty dick

She can’t outlast a charged Symmetra :(

currently v bitter about how strong Symmetra is, sorry

It’s not that simple. Sure, help people when they need it. But the whole point is there will be permanent destruction caused by defunding these programs, and that we need our government to be involved in helping people — so sighing and donating isn’t enough.

Definitely was told as a young child it was fake, probably resulting from the hypnotism craze of the 90's where con artists went on TV and pretended to “make” people to things. A lot of people who practice it are definitely charlatans, but googling it seems to have some possible therapeutic value. No idea how you

Yup because stuff that is affects women can only ever go to jezebel. -_-

this doesn’t just happen in small towns

She called the police on a black man when she was not certain there was serious criminal activity occurring. With the higher risk black people face in police encounters, that is choosing to put him in danger. You’re right, the cops need to change a hell of a lot, but as a civilian day-to-day you’re not in control of

Sure, but say you’re the parents here and you get to decide what happens to the kidnapper. Since you were gravely harmed and grieving for a very long time, you want her to be punished severely. But your newly found daughter, seeing her mother suffering and about to be taken away from her, is upset/grieving/angry —

law =/= morality

Reading all of your responses, I truly feel like your rage and desire for authoritarian justice has greatly hampered your ability to empathize with the young woman, in a way that is harmful to good judgement in this situation. You feel this situation must be seen in black and white and any inconvenient gray you push

Sex abuse is not comparable to this.

There’s not much proof that harsher punishments are really any sort of deterrent to crime.

Are you not seeing the pain the daughter is in and how she misses the only mother she’s ever known? Does that not move you at all?

Part of the problem is treating “racist” as primarily an insult. You’re right, there’s no defense; because it’s an assessment by another person.

Nothing wrong with androgyny

DDOS means distributed denial of service, which means the malicious requests are coming from a botnet — a bunch of machines. So it’s not traceable that way. (And botnets are usually controlled by someone who will rent it out to an angry kid for money)

It probably takes more knowledge to DDOS the console servers, but it’s extremely possible. There have been plenty of times PSN has been taken down.

Yeah the paid online plus cost of controllers is what’s really making me hesitate, and I’ve been a huge nintendo fan up til now. I have faith in their ability to publish games I want to play, but I’m not constantly playing online multiplayer — but I do want to play it sometimes. A subscription makes no sense for me.