
Alright you shouldn’t diagnose people over the internet, but your roommate seriously sounds like she has Borderline Personality Disorder (the black and white, I hate you/I love you don’t leave me). It’s hard to treat/deal with, DBT is the most effective. If you’re close and catch her in a “we should fix this” mood you

Yeah, except saying that “it could be a lie” is a tactic to discredit the accusation, because people tend to think “oh yeah true, then there’s like a 50/50 chance. It could go either way.” When actually a very small percentage (people disagree on the number, but definitely significantly less than 10%) of reported

It matters what the standard for “unsubtantiated” was. Sexual assaults are hard to prove and people have extraordinarily high standards of proof that they expect sometimes.

Also if it doesn’t matter what label we use why won’t she use “feminist”.

Did you know that narcissistic parents often pick a favorite child to dote on and a hated child to blame everything on and treat horribly? Poor fucking Tiffany. Wish she’d tell the world how awful he is already.

I mean, I’m betting Pence will 100% control behind the scenes. Trump’s not going to read all those briefs. Pence will.

Support your local ACLU chapter. They can’t destroy records, but they fight like hell to stop them from being misused.

congrats you just described a key aspect of the plot to A Handmaid’s Tale

He’s also extraordinarily Islamophobic. Basically agrees with the extreme right-wing that it’s a “religion of violence.”

Uh well, if the robber had had an unjust past that led to him robbing, I would find sympathy for him, although still support prosecuting him because he had no right to do that (I’m not a big fan of our justice system though — prisons for minor crimes hurt a lot more than they help). Before you assume too many things,

So, because nobody gives a shit we shouldn’t fight to make sure people aren’t discriminated against and their rights aren’t violated? We shouldn’t repeat to the American people how important that is? We shouldn’t try to emulate the successes of the Civil Rights Movement and so many other movements?

Y’all are saying different things when you say “working”. HuhWhat said he campaigned, but lazily. He doesn’t do the work a lot of us see as important — brushing up on facts, international political realities, what the president’s responsibilities and powers are, and working to be a harmonious candidate — stuff that’s

What happened to that child is horrible, yeah. But what I’m saying is that to call the woman evil and give her all of the blame is to create a caricture of reality. She is a real person who was desperate.

Their ability to pierce this relies on their audience believing them and granting them legitimacy. The alt-right has already made a scarily substantial dent in the public’s belief in the media.

Think about it. If a woman did not want a baby at all, she would try to get an abortion early on.

If she’s trying to self-abort at 24 weeks, there are a few reasons why:

28 days later style

The people who provide it don’t want self-destruction, they want money. Don’t really care what happens after that.

High for a long time and it’s real easy to make. When your options are limited, that’s when you go meth.

I didn’t know they removed the comments :(

Man, I struggle with those issues from severe depression and trauma :) this is a thing that can happen in a lot of cases for a lot of reasons, and it sucks.