
Who you believe and what to “believe” even means depends on your role in society. Reporters cannot report anything like this without confirmation. However, if you’re in a woman’s life, and she lets you know she was assaulted, you pretty much should just believe her. Because the default response is to not believe a

I’m none too impressed with the concept of tearing down current art

I think she was talking about Portland mistakenly.

I have vaginal pain issues too that I’ve never even had a doctor take seriously, as well as some GI issues that apparently crop up more in women and are poorly understood/can’t be treated well. I feel you.

Oh jeez, I also feel pain at the entrance and have the ridge thing! I also had a lot of sensitivity on the bumpy inner wall, like it can feel like sandpaper even to just barely touch it. That kind of thing makes me think it can’t just be about muscle tension.

I’ve never had a doctor be helpful with this :(


It’s not a strawman argument because in Hamilton’s post he did not distinguish about why those things are not worth reporting. He seems to say that if there is something that people keep hidden, it’s worth reporting.

Sociopathy isn’t the only cause of horrendous acts of violence committed by a child. Horrific abuse can also teach them to do things like this too.

I don’t think you know what “ethically” means. Just because something happens doesn’t mean it’s ethical for it to keep happening.

Ew no Loki is not the hot version of Hiddleston. For hot but still creepy version of Hiddleston, check out Crimson Peak

Is it illegal for you to touch a cop car? Like... could I go shut the hood if I saw that?

Why do we punish them though? That’s an important part of the question, because you need to evaluate the efficacy of what you’re doing.

Uh, no. That’s absurd. You ethically do not have the right to treat a human like garbage because they owned some marijuana.

The WHOLE POINT about criticizing what Trump says isn’t that “he’s factually wrong about her being fat”, it’s that he’s a man obsessed with judging how women look. With primarily emphasizing how women look as their most important characteristic, in addition to him being a bully when his judgements are negative.

Aren’t they stuffed animals that “come to life” (really just in Christopher Robin’s imagination)? The Disney animated version definitely supported that interpretation, I can’t say I read enough of the books to understand that canon.

Best hope is that whatever properties they’re involved with have a morality clause and they can get sued $$$$$$$$$$$ for the bad publicity.

Damn. If it’s him Marvel’s gonna be fucking pissed. Wonder if he had a morality clause in his contract and at least they could sue him into oblivion.

Yeah I’m rooting for Tom Cruise. Fuck that guy anyways, and I won’t be disgusted by anybody new.

I tried to google Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi because I wanted to see if I was remembering right that the police cast suspicion on him first -- so the media was just reporting what they were told, after all -- but then I saw that the top results are conspiracy sites still trying to cast suspicion on him and I felt too