Almost Hulk-smashed my laptop after liking your comment.
Almost Hulk-smashed my laptop after liking your comment.
So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who…
according to her IMDB page that’s the character she’s being billed as
I would agree BUT the internet went BONKERS about Pippa’s ass. Like, they had never seen one before. It was on the cover of magazines and shit. I think it’s warranted that no one cares about her skinny ass.
Sweet potatoes are fucking gross. Let potatoes be potatoes. Not all of us are sweet.
are you telling me that the jade egg in my pussy isn’t removing toxins?
MY DARLINGS!!!! I shall apply my Clinique Black Cherry lipstick sloppily in your honor.
The absurdly high waisted pants just confused me in the movie. I did a double take and maybe even said “wtf is happening there.” Considering my favorite pants come up to my boobs and I own 4 pairs, I don’t know why it was confusing but it was.
Smorgas all the way. Fight me in the comments.
2007 I was 19, teeny tiny eyebrows, a size 0 pant, but consequently no ass to speak of. I loved wearing low rise pants and tiny boy tees so my adorable 19 year old semi-fupa poked out. I thought I was so fat then!
It must be nice to not get shot after kicking a cop.
Kate may have left, but I think I speak for Jezebel when I say that I continue to be inspired by her commitment to the gag of modeling for an erotic carp calendar. She just kept doubling down, and it just kept right on being hilarious.
omg “do you actually like, find your husband attractive?”
No, it looks better! And she went through those pregnancies and that weird phase.
I hear ya. I believed she was speaking more broadly to MK, and to women who find themselves in situations in general, to be aware of rapey circumstances, ie, ones that find you alone with a creep, and to not be naive enough to enter a private space with said creep alone.
I actively disliked her when I was in high school (Brit’s one year older than me), but when she went through her hard times it really humanized not only her, but opened up my eyes to how the music industry actively dehumanizes women like her. I have been rooting for her ever since. She’s the reason I can look at…
It just looks like she is using her ass to clean an invisible glass door.