The Khloe Kardashian faux fur coat pic is fucking awesome. Right-click-save awesome. I love famous people for things like this. LOVE.
The Khloe Kardashian faux fur coat pic is fucking awesome. Right-click-save awesome. I love famous people for things like this. LOVE.
I am 100% white european descent but made up from a lot of different colored europeans. So I am "white," but I do not look white. I am asked about my race frequently. I feel weird checking off "white" because it's like...why? I look biracial or latina, and I'm white, and you're asking because—— because LABELS.
This supports my longstanding theory that when young females work hard at something they are capable of ANYTHING and something with spectacular results.
These writers are so fucking feisty I might need to read more regional reviews. MEOW.
Miley is serving a bit of Lara Stone - Andrej Pejic with this look!!! I think Miley is doing androgyny sexiness to perfection these days, minus the annoying stuff. This cover is hot hot hot hot.
However, despite the randomness that is Pink and her career, she is so majorly fucking talented and her voice is so ridiculous she gets a free pass for life.
Nate lost it, no? Way out of key at the end? I felt bad.
the utter bad-assery of this was totally RUINED by delta and hilton. what the actual fuck?
Must have this.
We started carrying that top at the boutique I worked in in NYC. We had to call our Wildfox rep to confirm the misspelling of "weird" was intentional. Dumb women with too much money would buy it.
I hate everything about these photos, but I quite like my granny panties. Full coverage, comfortable and when I bleed into them I can guiltlessly toss them. And I tend to not keep undies on during sexy times so it ain't no thang.
Want. I have nicked my clit shaving. I'd much rather go the stencil route and shave all around this thing.
Don't worry Callie!! He's retired anyway.
DETECTIVE Elliot Stabler
Just remember... Horses like food.
Dominic "D-Trix" Sandoval is a former member of Quest Crew and a current judge on MTV's America's Best Dance Crew. The other two dude's in that video are members of IamMe Crew, who won ABDC a few season's ago. Why do I know this? I am a huge, huge, huge fan of America's Best Dance Crew. Dominic is a supremely gifted…
No more Roar by Katy Perry. It's bad enough that I get stuck singing it. It's too obnoxious to listen to EVERY HOUR. Go awayyyyyyy.
I'm assuming Amazon? That girl does wonders with
My two best friends and I decided to trade strictly inexpensive gifts.
My irl friends know I comment here and if they saw my name and avatar they'd figure it out. But I feel like it's a stretch sooooo I consider myself anonymous.