Turbo Doritos

Syrup forever.  Grade B.

I think he sold it after it broke down on a sketchy, no shoulder having, 2-lane bridge in the middle of the night during a rain storm. It was an alternator (generator?) problem so the car lost its lights too, making the whole situation SOOO sketchy.

So what was driving the 912 like after discovering 1st? Did the owner suddenly experience joy he didn’t know he could get from that car? I need to know more.

I vaguely remember reading about shady dealerships taking used Sportomatic equipped 911/912s, fitting them with a clutch pedal and a heavy spring, and selling them as standard four speed cars. Of course the obvious thing would happen, people would drive around with one hand draped sportily on the gearknob, wrecking

black plastic ball that didn’t even bother to have the shift pattern stamped on it, because, oh, who cares. If you’re buying this, you’ll figure it out.

How to explain Jalopnik’s ethos using a quote from the website:

The safest period in the history of Montana’s highways was during the years when it had no speed limit. I think most of our interstate highways are perfectly acceptable outside of the metro areas for high speed travel when conditions are appropriate and with appropriate vehicles. I’m much more concerned with the

properly educated American


The thing is that as a country we already have vast access to information and education around etiquette and somehow most people actively choose to adhere to the “FU, I’m the only person that matters” attitude because FREEDOM AMURKAH. This is true for driving as well as pretty much anything else.

This is the “I can’t afford a track day, so I street race” argument with more steps

I think we’re far closer to solving nuclear fusion than convincing Karens to use the correct lane. 

Our highways aren’t designed generally to the standard the autobahn is.

If we properly educated American drivers about lane etiquette and, well, driving, there’s no reason our interstate highways couldn’t be a fast as the German Autobahn. They’re designed for aircraft landings and troop transport, after all.

Funny you should mention that. In 2017, a guy named Fred Ashmore (along with a co-driver) loaded his P71-powered ‘63 Ford Galaxy with a few snacks, a couple of piss funnels and... wait for it... a 187-gallon fuel tank he had to jam into the back seat by cutting off and reattaching the roof. He and his co-driver made

They need to perfect refueling while driving to really amp up the danger. 

The pinnacle are the guys who add extra fuel tanks to their car and never stop.

If only there were places for people to have fun driving their cars really fast that didn’t seriously endanger unwitting civilians on public roads. IF ONLY.

If a single piece of food was acquired from outside the car or if anyone peed outside the vehicle, there’s room for improvement. Seems like the pinnacle would be having some of those support people waiting at the pumps to fill your tank asap. Those pit stops COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR PACE PLEASE JUST GET BACK IN THE CAR