Turbo Doritos

Well the way it works now, you pick an expansion at lvl 10 and play through that expansion to make it to level cap. Before you’d out level the expansion before you saw everything and be forced to move on.

The problem is that MoP is kinda the reverse of Cataclysm.

The “choosen ONE” has always been a strange trope to go with in regards to player characters in mmo storytelling. An outright stupid one as well considering that the game’s main selling point is the fact that thousands of other people are playing the game at the same time.

My character is so tired of being the lynchpin of Azeroth’s redemption. Can’t these god modded main characters do anything for themselves for once?

Conan agrees.

This is kind of a side note and I think, possibly, I feel the opposite of a lot of people, but here goes:

What immediately comes to mind is a giant Rubbermaid-like container with organized compartments inside and enough storage capacity for thousands of Lego bricks, plus a lid covered in studs where an entire Lego town could be built.

While the West Roman Empire had already collapsed, it’s infrastructure had enough inertia to last a couple of centuries onwards in some places, but eventually it ground to a halt. There was no more international trade and not enough experts or labourers to keep the buildings standing, so the dwindling population

Ancient people were such slobs, just leaving dead bodies and junk lying everywhere. 

Inhabited cities tend to get covered faster than abandoned ones, since city life accumulates matter and foundations sink under the weight of the buildings, eventually it becomes more convenient to level the house and build new foundations on top of the old ones than to elevate the building, itself, let alone dig

and they always marked out their floor plans with grids of string and pegs. It’s amazing anyone could walk around without tripping over.


In addition to the other replies about the farmland and rivers: Once a place gets abandoned the people who remain (or later move in) tend to go, “I need some good stones to fence in the pigs. Lucky there’s a city full of it over there in Old Falerii Novi nobody’s using.”

Yeah, those extended tree lines with fertile farmland in between basically scream, “There used to be a river here.”

Equally mysterious is why no matter where you do archaeology, you’ll find that graves, cities, and other ruins contain red and white or black and white striped sticks.

That’s exactly it. Even Rome, which has been continuously occupied to various extents for over 2,700 years, had large sections buried over the centuries, as the population would ebb and flow and areas would be abandoned. The Roman Forum was famously called “The Cow Field” in the 17th and 18th century, and slowly

I wonder why ancient people built so many of their cities underground.

Modern archaeology really is very cool.

Sam, you do know that Ridley was basically driven off social media after The Force Awakens premiered due to constant harassment, right? Like, it’s kind of a weird flex to suggest she’s unaware of how toxic the fanbase can be. My guess is she was trying to be as diplomatic as possible under the circumstances.