Turbo Doritos

Asbestos dust is in that range, so we do have an idea. The problem is that most people think asbestos is bad because of what it is and not because of the size and shape. Carbon nanotubes are also a concern because they can also be too small for a human body to defend against.

Both the Civic’s 1.8 and the rx7's 13b start to beg for more at that point. Neither engine begs for help unless it’s under 2k.

One of them is. At 3500 it’s happy cruising and just a dip in the loud peddle to hit boost. Much lower and I’d need to downshift to get power, but above 3k I can just tip in a bit and pick up speed. Thankfully the exhaust doesn’t drone.

It would be now, but it sounds about right for 2001.

Not many people will defend the 200. It’s objectively a terrible car.

I had a 200 rental car too and was amazed that it handled like a late 90s Chrysler minivan. I never thought much of my Chrysler Cirrus, but after almost 20 years of development couldn’t believe they had made its replacement worse.

I thought it was a pretty bad idea when it was released. Teenage me couldn’t help but see it as a direct competitor to the 350z which cost far less, had more power, presumably better reliability, and better styling.

Seriously. I’ve always thought of the merger as a way for Daimler to continue selling old Mercedes chassis designs until they couldn’t make money off of them anymore.

I wouldn’t call my 97 Cirrus an industry standard but I was surprised when a recent 200 was worse other than the styling. I hated the KJ but the KK wasn’t horrible, neither was really a good replacement for the XJ though.

What do most people consider normal for 80? I have 2 cars that turn around 3500 at 80 and it doesn’t bother me.

I have a 2006 Civic DX with no options, not even a radio when I bought it new for $14500. The interiors aren’t even close.

When I’m so sick I can’t function:

No tire kickers, no lowballs, I know what I have.

They’re very different, think ginger beer vs ginger syrup, or blanco tequila vs agave syrup.

For my palette this is better than the more traditional version splitting the liqueur half and half between maraschino and violette. The original is a bit too floral and the maraschino gets lost in the mix.

Already warmed up is a big red flag too. I’d still do the test drive, but then request to drive the car cold at a later date in addition to a PPI. A warm engine can hide so many issues on any car.

This wouldn’t have been useful for the PajEvo but there are companies who will do an in person inspection, including checking fluids for big problems, for a pretty nominal fee.

That sounds more like fraud than the situation in the article. I can understand the service department saying they looked over the car and it’s fine, given differences in definitions of fine. But, they gave you false service records to prove how the car was taken care of including the specific service you were worried

More Boost!

Depends on just how much money we’re taking about. Enough money to pay off a mortgage can have gains that can be used to help with mortgage payments or reinvested until it’s enough to earn enough to pay your monthly payments. The money is still there so if something happens and you need to pay the mortgage off you