Turbo Doritos

Interesting. I'm about 6'3" and 250 pounds and I just don't fit comfortably, I figure I'm good for about 5-10 minutes behind the wheel before being overwhelmed by how cramped I am. Maybe it's due to having the bulk of my height in my legs and having wide shoulders, I'd love to fit comfortably but I just don't. My

Apple is sad that there's no new Top Gear until 2013 and has decided that getting sued is the best way to provide funding for more episodes.

Wow, such an amazing video. The only thing I could ask for is more time with the Subie (I'm a sucker for anti-lag). There were moments that looked like the video was speeding up time, but on realizing that was the acceleration was mind blowing. Seeing a car reviewer's eyes bug out from speed and appear at the point

You poor soul. Those words have made this atheist consider praying for you...

It's whether they used an organic defoamer and then spent the money to get certified as organic.

It's not you, it's a good looking car.

Agreed. After playing through hardcore with an adept I was surprised at how easy insanity was with an engineer.

"I find it strange that when FFXII had gambits to prioritize character's actions, the ability to switch characters on the fly, coupled with the ability to pause combat to specify an attack or item if need be, people hated it."

I bought a house, so maybe a used Miata once I finish paying off my Civic...

@truthtellah: "If you do it right, women won't care what's on your walls."

Almost always Amazon. Occasionally from KMart when they have a really good deal. Rarely Gamestop for something that's been out for a few years.

I have 20 NES games, a working (last I checked) NES, 2 controllers, and a light gun sitting in my bedroom. At my parents I've still got an Intellivision (again working last I checked) with another 15-20 games or so. I probably have another 50+ games between PS, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox360, Gamecube, and Wii. I wish I

@Dreamwriter: I was thinking the same thing. It was pretty awesome despite being frustrating.

@Cla: "For a limited time, at least one retailer is offering players the chance to buy an Xbox 360 and then sell it back for only ¥2,000 (US$25) less than the console's original price."

I was a bit surprised to see the sign for the shop, it's about a mile down the road from me.

@Nerf Herder: Recline and hang your hands off the top of the seat.

Like pretty much every day for the last few years, I woke up with a 2006 Civic coupe in my garage. Like pretty much every day that I've owned it there was no pretty red bow on it. It's not an amazing car, but it's kind of fun. It's damned fucking economic, getting 30mpg in the mostly urban driving I've done in the

@dsectric: Nope. That map is embedded in my brain for all eternity.

@DJ Squibbles: Sweet, it's on Netflix streaming in HD (and I'm drinking)!